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  1. lutz493

    Hitchhiker Parasite Concern.

    Recently added 65lbs of live rock to my tank, I have been paying very close attention to the many things that are popping out of the rocks now. One thing that concerns me is living in one of the rocks is a very small clear organism. He has what look like 2 manibles coming from his month...
  2. lutz493

    Building a Reef Tank - Am I on the Right Track? Whats next?

    Thanks- The Tang I was referring too was the Hippo sorry about that. I will debate then putting any Tangs at all in the tank and will for sure not put the Sailfin in. The Gobies, Wrasse and Gramma seem to be relatively small fish from what I've seen. Should I decide to go that route is it a...
  3. lutz493

    Building a Reef Tank - Am I on the Right Track? Whats next?

    Thanks- The Tang I was referring too was the Hippo sorry about that. I will debate then putting any Tangs at all in the tank and will for sure not put the Sailfin in. The Gobies, Wrasse and Gramma seem to be relatively small fish from what I've seen. Should I decide to go that route is it a...
  4. lutz493

    Building a Reef Tank - Am I on the Right Track? Whats next?

    Thanks alot Waterwolf. I was not aware that the blue leg hermits will eat my snails and scarlets... I will probably buy an Arrow Crab instead of the Emerald Crab. My fish guy told me a Butterfly was real good fish to get but I am just so scared it will die.... Was told that the Blue Morph and...
  5. lutz493

    Building a Reef Tank - Am I on the Right Track? Whats next?

    My tank is 55 Gallons. I am working to obtain a Reef tank with both soft and hard corals. When I purchased my tank the salesman at the pet store was very helpful but I do not think he steered me on the right track towards my ultimate goal. After some changes, from my orginal set-up and some...
  6. lutz493

    How many fish is too many fish?

    Hello- I've recently cycled my new salt water tank. I am sorta a novice but have been given several opinions on this topic. My tank is 55 Gallons. I currently have no live rock in the tank but will be getting some when the stores open today. I have 4 Yellow Tailed Damsels, 2 Banded Clowns, a...