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  1. apolyom

    need id on this crab

    sorry for the poor quality.... i had to resort to a camera phone (no batteries for digi) if you cant tell its a hair black/dark brown crab. i got 2 of these from the LR i got today that i have seen so far and also another crab hiding in a hole but from what i have seen it looks different. will...
  2. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    yeah i have read that on several posts....... its DEFINATELY something that wont be overlooked.... too expensive to not bother about lol
  3. apolyom

    distilled water URGENT question

    to top off the tank i have read distilled water is ok. is this the SAME distilled water you use to put in your car batteries?
  4. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    Originally Posted by kailiek the lionfish is going to eat the clown fish, and anyone in the tank he can eat, and they can vary in size, several lions out there,( colors small to med/lg) the trigger and puffer will eat any snails,crabs, corals in the tank, so if you keep on your glass yourself...
  5. apolyom

    will this fist list work? plus some other questions

    ok thanks. my fish list should be ok though?
  6. apolyom

    need help with sand depth

    thanks. i already had some sand maybe an inch or less. its my b/day today so i wanted to know before i went and bought more. thanks
  7. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    Originally Posted by kailiek where is the list of fish? huma huma dogface radiata (do volitans grow the same size? or larger?) maroon clown (probably) do they need to be in pairs? blue hippo sfe plus clean up crew in the sump
  8. apolyom

    will this fist list work? plus some other questions

    the tank is a 100gal AGG.FOWLR the fish i would like are: huma huma dogface radiata maroon blue hippo sfe for the eel i have noticed that some tanks have pvc piping, is this essential or is a few crevasses and caves in the LR just as good? also how deep should i make my sand bed to best suit...
  9. apolyom

    need help with sand depth

    i have a 100gal i am setting up with FOWLR aggressive. huma huma dogface sfe maroon clown blue hippo radiata what i want to know is how deep should i have the sand bed to best suit this setup?
  10. apolyom

    my fish wish list

    also i forgot to ask...... what is the size i should look/ask for when buying these fish?
  11. apolyom

    Explain where your user name originated

    mine is the name of my old band.... but alas we have since parted ways. i use it because it's original and i dont forget it. especially helpful when you have a memory like mine lol
  12. apolyom

    my fish wish list

    sounds like the kind of luck i would have lol. you mentioned glass cleaning and sand sifting species..... what would you reccomend to get for this?
  13. apolyom

    my fish wish list

    yeah wasnt too sure if clown NEEDED anemones or not. but its good to know that they dont. its money saved especially if it is likely to get eaten anyway
  14. apolyom

    cannister filter help

    nah i was thinking more along the lines of a damsel or the other ones you said were good.
  15. apolyom

    cannister filter help

    no they aren't seperated. i'll give it a go this arfternoon. i did a levels test and my ammonia is still 0.25 and trates and trite still on 0. will they jump up sometime soon? im the guy with the 1 piece of LR lol. should be getting some more this wed for my b/day
  16. apolyom

    my fish wish list

    sweet thanks for the feedback. its good to know i have finally picked a list that will work
  17. apolyom

    cannister filter help

    oh sorry my filter is a rena filstar
  18. apolyom

    cannister filter help

    legend. thankyou you seem to be the only one to reply to my posts lol. i've also decided on my final fish list what u think? huma huma snowflake dogface blue hippo tang maroon clown radiata lion plus cleanup crew in the sump
  19. apolyom

    cannister filter help

    my cannister filter isn't filling right to the top. does this mean its time to clean it out?
  20. apolyom

    my fish wish list

    excellent either way they are nice clowns. so my 100g fish list is complete now its just a matter of saving the $$$ oh and what is the best order to add these fish to the tank?