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  1. apolyom

    my fish wish list

    thanks i'll keep that in mind. otherwise all fish will be comapitble together? will an anemone survive? or will it get eaten?
  2. apolyom

    my fish wish list

    yeah i think i have decided on my final list huma huma radiata lion blue hippo tang snowflake eel dogface puffer clowns (what species will go with all these?)
  3. apolyom

    Humu Humu Trigger Gets ALONG!!

    i'd like to get a huma and a radiata lionfish and possibly a dogface. (and a pair of clowns and a blue tang) whats everyones thoughts on this?
  4. apolyom

    Humu Humu Trigger Gets ALONG!!

    i am hearing more good than bad about humas and i have wanted one before i even got my tank. question is how do you pick a good one? eg what do you look for in the trigger? what are good signs that show he isnt going to wipe out every single moving thing in your tank?
  5. apolyom

    my fish wish list

    yeah it would be nice hatessushi. for me its been very informative and its been good to know that the fish i WOULD have bought would have overloaded the bio and if surviving that they would more than likely have killed each other costing me even MORE $$$$. so its good for everyone that a site...
  6. apolyom

    creatures from LR

    well as i said before im in no great rush. but my tank is looking awfully empty. i may have to get a little blue or green fish to give it some life
  7. apolyom

    creatures from LR

    off the topic a bit i was thinking if you add more LR during a cycle will it prolong the cycle? also my ammonia has gone up (with addding some LR) but the trites and trates have not. is this right?
  8. apolyom

    my fish wish list

    yeah i was actually considering the clean up crew in the sump. would they be as effective in there though? i think i am going to scrap the eel and more than likely the puffer. still not sure lol im not ready for fish yet but i thought i'd do a bit of research beforehand.
  9. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    firefish as in goby?
  10. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    i am thinking i might purchase some damsels towards the end of the cycle just to get a bit of life in the tank and also to make sure i can work the tank right lol instead of spending hundreds on a fish only to have it die on me. i've also got a fish list i am looking at (short listed) in this...
  11. apolyom

    my fish wish list

    Originally Posted by apolyom these are the fish i have decided i would like. i am unsure which are compatible and which arent hence this post :) i have a 100gal and im going FOWLR keep in mind i dont nesicarily have to have the EXACT species i would like volitan loin dogface puffer pair of...
  12. apolyom

    my fish wish list

    yeah thanks basically that was my shortlist of fish i liked lol and i'm still undecided as to EXACTLY which i will get. so what combinations will work together?
  13. apolyom

    my fish wish list

    can anyone tell me if my list will work or not? all help much appreciated
  14. apolyom

    my fish wish list

    these are the fish i have decided i would like. i am unsure which are compatible and which arent hence this post :) i have a 100gal and im going FOWLR keep in mind i dont nesicarily have to have the EXACT species i would like volitan loin dogface puffer pair of clowns 1 or more blue tangs...
  15. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    Originally Posted by kailiek i think i could own the company, man, this hobby is sooooo surely a money gig. but it is so worth it when you end up with that oh so fab reef or wonderfully active fish assortment. totally worth it in my opinion and you could cycle with certain clownfish and...
  16. apolyom

    how many fish can i have??

    camillo where in aus are you from? i too am from aus sydney.
  17. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    thanks SCSI been a great help. will keep you posted on my progress
  18. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    my bad its 100gal not 400 the tube things are rigid and attached to the rock. i'll try and get some pics of them later
  19. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    LOL sorry my bad its a 100g tank NOT 400g i'm from australia so i had to work out the conversions so i could be understood on this site lol. its a 400litre tank (im my language lol). i completely forgot to ask about if it was cured or not. they had a coral banded living in the tank to rock was...
  20. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    Originally Posted by SCSInet Holy crap... your stamina makes me jealous. I can't even have an empty tank in the house for that long without figuring out something to do with it. Cycling SUCKS. I've cycled systems dozens of times, and every time I am still tempted to start sticking fish in...