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  1. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    yeah i've notice on my LR all these little tube like things wondering what they might be. i did however find 2 little white stars when i first put it in the tank but i think they may have been filterised lol. im also going with a FOWLR tank. i'll take pics and post them as i progress if you...
  2. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    and yeah i know it is a patient hobby for me that has been a part of the fun of it. i've had the tank for about 3 months and only now am i just ready to start cycling lol
  3. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    kaliek yeah i am new to SW but i have done a fair bit of research and found that everyone has different opinions. i am NOT however going to use any type of fish ESP mollies (being FW) to cycle the tank. as i said i only have one piece of LR in there at the moment and i am not particularly fussed...
  4. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    thanks SCSI i'll get the prawns in there tonight. its a 400g tank how many would you recommend? also should i wait for the cycle to complete before i add more LR or would it be ok to just keep adding it as i get it?
  5. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    dont know if this is a good thing or not but after putting in my piece (i got excited lol) i did a levels test ph 8.2 trite 0 trate 0 ammonia 0.25 previously the levels were all 0 so i am figuring the tank has started a cycle would i be correct?
  6. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG negative, VERY bad idea. negative to which ?
  7. apolyom

    how much LR to start a cycle?

    just wondering if there is a minimum amount of LR before the tank will start to cycle or will even one piece be enough to get it started btw i currently have only one piece lol
  8. apolyom

    creatures from LR

    Originally Posted by mandarin w I thought they were those tiny white star fish. I'm not sure the name. But that is what they look like to me. yeah they look like some kind of brittle star but i have no idea. they are so so tiny. hopefully they will survive the cycle so i can watch them grow!
  9. apolyom

    creatures from LR

    well i added some LR and about an hour later i noticed these little guys. the pics are blurry cause i had to rush before the camera battery ran out lol anyone know what they are?
  10. apolyom

    creatures from LR

    just wondering what creatures people have got growing from their live rock
  11. apolyom

    new caribsea aragonite

    i have FINALLY found a fs that sells sand and LR YAY!!! (im in australia btw) and now i have rinsed the sand... does it need drying or can it go straight in the tank?
  12. apolyom

    sand and rock weight

    woah thats alot of weight. i think i'll reinforce the floor before i add rock lol thanks for the info
  13. apolyom

    sand and rock weight

    can anyone tell me if when you add sand and rock to your tank (filled with water) does it add to the total weight or does it stay the same due to water displacement?
  14. apolyom

    can someone tell me if this is a powerhead?

    thanks i though so..... its just it didnt come with a box or anything so wasnt too sure.... i also have a canister filter feeding in from the left should i place the powerhead so it feeds from the right to get circulation? and also is the turn over enough for a 100g tank? or should i get more...
  15. apolyom

    can someone tell me if this is a powerhead?

    accidental multiple posts
  16. apolyom

    can someone tell me if this is a powerhead?

    i got this with my tank as a filtration system (FW) and i just wondering if it does the same job as a powerhead albeit not as powerful. the writing says litre/h max :3600L/h water head : 1.8m i am assuming it is a type of powerhead. btw my tank is not cycling or anything in it other than...
  17. apolyom

    can someone tell me if this is a powerhead?

    accidental multiple posts
  18. apolyom

    can someone tell me if this is a powerhead?

    i'd post a pic but im not sure how to
  19. apolyom

    buying & storing live sand

    Originally Posted by Scotts All of the LS that I have seen has a self life stamped on it. It is usually quite a long time if you think about it. So you might want to check it and see what the date is stamped on it. And then just a plug for our site owner here, you do know that they sell LS here...
  20. apolyom

    buying & storing live sand

    can i just keep live sand in the packaging that it gets shipped in? or will this kill it off? for example the LS is on special at a really good price but my tank hasnt got powerheads or skimmers or rock. it does have heating lighting and a cannister filter. should i still be ok to add it? or is...