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  1. guitarplr85

    True or False Perc?

    Lilly j I see you live in northwest Indiana. So Do I Portage Indiana, Just curious were you live and what lfs you go to. I found this really amazing store In Tinley Park Its about thirty five forty minutes from portage, and this place is amazing. Great prices, and on Kent marine stuff like...
  2. guitarplr85

    Blue Jaw Trigger not Eating.

    Ok well I have read and hurd they are hard to start feeding, but everyone says that if he gets hungry enough he will eat. I want to get some for sure info, so i dont go out and buy five different types of food and he not even touch it. Some people told me to get a clam, squid, that algee, and...
  3. guitarplr85

    Blue Jaw Trigger not Eating.

    I dont have any agressive fish, but i do have a coral bandet and if the trigger swims by him he like snaps at him. He dont come close to getting him but I dont know if it is stressing him out. Thanks again
  4. guitarplr85

    Just some pics

    The fish look great, it looks that you have a bad case of hair algee, I have hurd that thats not good at all, you kind of want to get rid of it. I could be Wrong though. When I do Water Changes I use R/O water I here it is the best to deal with.
  5. guitarplr85

    Blue Jaw Trigger not Eating.

    I bought a blue jaw trigger about a week ago. He hid for like a day, like they said he would. Some people say theres hide for like a week before it came out. Well he will come out swim for about two minutes then go down and hide for a bit. Then Swim for about two minutes and then hide. His...
  6. guitarplr85

    Live Rock Help

    Yeah thanks for everything, I just didnt want to kill everything off, I have worked so hard to get going. So I wont move any of my original live rock i will just kind of work around it. I thought I had enough but when I started to se other tanks with more it looked so sharp. thanks again Eric
  7. guitarplr85

    Live Rock Help

    Hello, My tank has been up and running for about Seven months, so I know its cycled. I wanted to add more live rock, but as I have been reading once the tank is set up and cycled it will kill anything living overnight. I have a 45 gallon with about 30 pounds of rock, 4 fish and 4 corals, and...
  8. guitarplr85

    Frezels 120 Gallon Reef Tank

    That tank looks amazing, you must have to do water changes everyotherday lol, J/K. One question though how do you clean your sand with tall the corals on it?
  9. guitarplr85

    True or False Perc?

    Oh thats ok, I guess I can say i am not expierenced on the clown fish and anenome area. I have had clown fish for a while but i want to get them an anenome, but I was just told tank raised wont even give it the time of day, but see Im not sure. If you have experience with this i do need help...
  10. guitarplr85

    True or False Perc?

    I do have some experience I have been doing this for three years now, and now im thinking of doing an anenome. I have about five corals already. Brain coral , bubble tip, zoo's and some mushrooms. I have just got into the clown and anenomes. I was just curious why everyone classafied them as...
  11. guitarplr85

    True or False Perc?

    Ok new Question, what is the difference between false and real? is one tank raised and the other wild? Im just curious because I know I have false, and i want to add a ananomie, but someone told me that false ones wont even show it the time of dayh because they are tank raised and they know no...
  12. guitarplr85

    Blue Chin Trigger Help.....

    Sorry forgot to say, none of the fish mess with him at all. He will swim with the clowns. They dont pick on him at all, nither will the lawnmower. Thanks again
  13. guitarplr85

    Blue Chin Trigger Help.....

    I have two Percula clowns, a lawnmower blenny. Then i have a Coral Bandet Shrimp, 3 Snails, 3 crabs. I have Mushrums, Frog spawn, brain coral, and zoanthids. The blue jaw trigger is about an inch and a half maybe two. My clowns, and my lawnmower eat the cyclopeeze and the mysislike crazy, my...
  14. guitarplr85

    Blue Chin Trigger Help.....

    Hello, I have purchased a blue chin trigger, I have done my research and found that they were peaceful and reef safe fish. Now thats not the problem, I got him about Four days ago and I understand at first that threre shy. He swims like crazy in and out of the live rock all over the tank, but...
  15. guitarplr85

    New fish not eating?

    Hello, Ok I have always been told never to feed salt water fish any type of flakes or pellets, to stay away from that stuff. Clown Fish's favorite food is cyclopeeze, they go absalutly nuts over it. I have been into salt water fish for about three years, and everyone one of my local fish...