Search results

  1. cash1103

    Duster Colony Compatibility?

    Yes, I do mean the clusters of small (nickel size) dusters. I think I'll stay away from them for now. Thanks for the info.
  2. cash1103

    Duster Colony Compatibility?

    I recently purchased a feather duster colony from a private seller. When I recieved it in the mail, most of the water had leaked out and the box smelled terrible. Of course, I think all of the dusters were dead but I acclimated and put the rock in my tank just in case. 2 days later and no...
  3. cash1103

    Feather dusters for sale?

    I just got back from my LFS. I really like the look of a tank they have that has tons of small (about 1 inch ) feather dusters scattered in it. They want $10 per duster. Does anyone have a bunch of these in their tank and would you be willing to part with a few at a better price? Thanks...
  4. cash1103

    55gl pics please!!!!!!!1

    Fish List: Six line wrasse Ocellaris Clown 3 Damsels Lawnmower Blenny serpent star brittle star Equipment: 2 MJ 900 powerheads Bak-Pak Protein Skimmer w/ MJ 1200
  5. cash1103

    Blackk stuff?

    It's a thick, almost shiny black substance that is growing in patches about the size of a quarter. I can pull the whole patch off with my fingers. It started in one or two places but now seems to be showing up on several other rocks. My tank has been up for more than a year I've tried to...
  6. cash1103

    Blackk stuff?

    I have some thick black stuff starting to grow in patches on my live rock. Does anyone know what is is and what to do about it? Thanks
  7. cash1103

    Can I Add Sand?

    Thanks for the reply. I do have nass. snails. If they will just mix the two together, I don't think I'll waste the time and $$ on more sand.
  8. cash1103

    Can I Add Sand?

    I have a 55G FOWLR that has been running for about 13 mos. I currently have about a 2 inch sand bed of sugar-like sand. I would like to add a layer of larger grain sand on top of the sand I have now. It seems that the fine sand is very easily disturbed and covers everything. Would adding...
  9. cash1103

    Freshwater food?

    My shrimp and stars love the shrimp pellets made for freshwater loaches and cory cats. Is there any problem feeding it to them?
  10. cash1103

    Can I put this in my tank?

    I just ran accross a piece of what looks like some type of coral skeleton. I think my mom bought it as some type of ornament years ago. It has lots of cool branches and seems like it could be a cool piece of live rock. I was thinking of boiling it and putting it in my tank. Would this cause...
  11. cash1103

    When can we order again?

    I know it says they will start shipping again on 1/2. I will start school on 1/4 so I definitely need to have it shipped on 1/2. The problem is I'll need to make decisions on what I buy based on what is available. Anyone know when they will let us know what they have available to ship out on 1/2?
  12. cash1103

    Purple Up vs. Aragamilk

    Are they basically the same? Could someone please give a brief comparison of the two if they are different? I'm trying to enhance my corralline algae. Thanks!
  13. cash1103

    Overstocking Question

    I have a 55g FOWLR that currently houses 4 damsels and a cleanup crew. Would adding a star and some urchins make the tank overstocked? Thanks