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  1. dustinwebb

    brown growthon rock and glass

  2. dustinwebb

    adding copper

    how long after your first dosage of copper do you have to wait to put your carbon back in your wet-dry. What i am doing is trying to control a outbreak of ick in my tank that i can not seem to get rid of. I have used rid-ick, organi-cure, and now to the copper. Another question is what is the...
  3. dustinwebb

    white bugs

    i dont know for sure if they look like millipedes but they are small and white and move on the glass.
  4. dustinwebb

    white bugs

    it is the amphipods are they harmful?
  5. dustinwebb

    white bugs

    i cant tell if that is them or not they are too small
  6. dustinwebb

    white bugs

    i want to know what type of bugs i have in my tank. they are little white tiny tiny bugs on the side of my glass. could you tell me if they are harmful.
  7. dustinwebb

    saltwater cylce

    I need a little bit of help please. I am new to the hobby and so far and enjoying it. I have a 55g tank and stand, with a 60g wet/dry sealife system filter. 50lbs of LS, and right now only about 10lbs of live rock. Also got for my cycling process 6 damsels. I have had my tank going for about 2...