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  1. jaemac

    Cycling Again?

    55 gal. has been set up for 10 months now and all was fine until I add 15lbs. of live rock. Amonnia and nitrates have shot through the roof. Is my tank going through another cycle? If so how can I keep from losing my fish. 55 gal 30lbs. lr 2 percula clowns 1 coral beauty
  2. jaemac

    Question on Ick

    Thanks Trey for the advise. I took the tang out early because he seemed to be stressing out in the 10gal tank. I guess I should have started out with a bigger qt tank. By the way have you heard of a product called Stop Parasites? LFS had some on hand and owner swears it works. At 17 bucks a...
  3. jaemac

    Question on Ick

    I have a 55 gal FO/LR tank with a two inch Yellow Tang, two Perculia Clowns and about 15 lbs of live rock. The Yellow Tang just came out of qt about a week ago and now it looks like he is showing signs of ick. I noticed him scratching but it has not shown any signs of white spots. The two...