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  1. damselsrck

    Carpenters Wrasse

    The fish I am talking about is -Paracheilinus carpenter- is that the fish sold on this site as a "Filament Flasher Wrasse"? Thanks!
  2. damselsrck

    gobies, gobies anfd more gobies!!!!

    love the pics!
  3. damselsrck

    Carpenters Wrasse

    Hey, I really like the way this fish looks! Any pro's and con's would be great!
  4. damselsrck

    Got a Wrasse question

    well, a "dragon wrasse" from the doc's should have a min. of a a 70 gallon tank...but it doesn't look like the same fish..
  5. damselsrck

    Please help! Lighting??

  6. damselsrck

    Please help! Lighting??

    Hello, I have decided to go with a PC light fixture becuase I am not interested in sps or clams. Is this an ok fixture? FREE Gift include 2x96W Daylight 12,000K bulb Approx Fixture Size: 37.5"L x 7.5"W x 2.5"H * non corrosive powder coated housing * stainless steel reflector * internal...
  7. damselsrck

    hanging around

    great pics!
  8. damselsrck


    Me? or rasnme? --I don't have coral.
  9. damselsrck


    I like it! What is it? Green star polyp....not very green...
  10. damselsrck

    New Tank Pics *55Gallons

    That's a gorgeous puffer!
  11. damselsrck

    What are some Non photosynthetic Corals

    Sun corals need to be spot fed, but they are non-photosynthetic.
  12. damselsrck

    RC's newest pics

    Very nice looking tank!! AWESOME!
  13. damselsrck

    Stocking List

    Yeah, I'll think about it...not even sure if I want to go to a reef yet...just don't want to get a fish that isn't reef safe.
  14. damselsrck

    Post Ricordia Pics~!

    Those are really pretty!
  15. damselsrck

    Stocking List

    46 gallon bowfront.
  16. damselsrck

    Suggestions please!

    Hello. I have a 46 gallon tank (that may become a reef, so keep it reef safe please) and I am not sure what to stock it with...Two fish I really would like are 1 sixline wrasse and 2 clowns...not sure which yet. Any suggestions of reef safe fish would be great!
  17. damselsrck

    Tank at full capacity?

    What's a GSM? sorry... (clueless)
  18. damselsrck

    Stocking List

    Ok, well I decided against the Lemonpeel becuase of bad experiences with it...the only fish I am positive I want is the six line. . . the rest are maybe's. :thinking:
  19. damselsrck

    Bristle Worm(s)

    I also have at least one asterinia star fish and decided to leave it alone on the advice...or maybe encouragement of Ophiuria...(don't want to frame her if someone has trouble with these!! :scared: )
  20. damselsrck

    Stocking List

    Hey..I'm trying to nail down a fish list, but I am changing my mind so often it's pretty hard. Here is what I was thinking, what do you think? 2 Occ. Clownfish Six Line Wrasse Lemonpeel Angelfish Lawn Mower Blenny How is this?