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  1. cabinetman

    Angel with large white patch above eyes

    sounds like hlle. Copper will do it to angels.
  2. cabinetman


    Yes your right I should test. But im just going to use my candycane as the indicator. If they start going downhill again I'll dose some more and if they come around then I'll know for sure and dose once in a while instead of the weekly dosing that the instructions call for.
  3. cabinetman


    There is instructions on the bottle. Im just following instructions for weekly dosing.
  4. cabinetman


    Funny I found this. Ive found for quite a while that my zoes and candycane coral havnt been doing well. Just slowly receding. I run a very efficient algae scrubber and read somewhere that if you run a good scrubber and skimmer that iodine is some thing that could get depleted and cause...
  5. cabinetman

    Algae problem.. 55 gallon... nitemare

    if you have the skills to build an algae scrubber they are a cheap highly effective way to eliminate nitrates and phosphates from a tank without water changes. When I first started this hobby I knew nothing about nitrates and phosphates for quite a while. After the tank was set up for while I...
  6. cabinetman


    So what do you guys do for filtration if your not running a skimmer?