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  1. hemey

    the list more noob.....

    well im glad to say after doing some looking i found my 55 gallon tank. Its at my soon to be mother-in-laws. Gonna go pick it up this weekend. Solved my problems for now.......any good suggestions for a nice setup ie. filter, skimmer, other parts, fish, coral, i want it all.
  2. hemey

    Buying fish online

    call me crazy but what about here? im new and havent purchased any but wow this site has so much on it!
  3. hemey

    Khollas UPDATED Pic

  4. hemey

    the list more noob.....

    i didnt understand that comment either spanko.. anyone know why i cant see pictures in the post? im sorry to bother i will look now to see if i can find a answer. thanks everyone for ur help!
  5. hemey

    the list more noob.....

    wow thanks for the fast response's. thanks for the links to i will get right on reading those. my real name is joe, nickname is hemey (pronounced HeeeeMeeee) call me what u want. Can i ask real quick what nano is? Also does it matter that these clowns are attached to these anemones. They...
  6. hemey

    the list more noob.....

    First of all i want to say hi and thanks for having such a great forum. My name is Joe I have been reading everything i can for the past week and it really changed my ideas on what i need to do to make a successful tank. Let me tell you what im working with. I know its not the best idea for a...