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  1. okieman

    Red / Maroon Colored Algae Problem

    I have this red/maroon colored algae growing at a very fast rate, what do i need to do about. it is mainly on the sand floor but it will grow anywhere there is a good current. looks like a red thin blanket. any ideas ??????
  2. okieman

    what is a fuge tank and its purpose

    hey thanks to all, everything was great information. sorry my reply was so late.
  3. okieman

    what is a fuge tank and its purpose

    just getting started and learning alot. so what is a fuge tank and its purpose.
  4. okieman

    Plankton And Green Algae Problem

    hey good info. thanks alot
  5. okieman

    Plankton And Green Algae Problem

    so thats what they call copods. what fish eat copods?????
  6. okieman

    Plankton And Green Algae Problem

    plankton is tiny white/gray clored bug. or bugs are what im calling them. about as big as a very tine grain of sand.
  7. okieman

    Plankton And Green Algae Problem

    hey thanks for the info. algae blooms is exactly what i've got, how bout all that plankton. if i look closely it is all over the glass, LR filter tubes...... what are pleasent fish that eat plankton?
  8. okieman

    Plankton And Green Algae Problem

    I started this tank about 1 1/2 months ago. i have a good filter and protien skimmer, but about a week ago i noticed a little plankton and green algae starting. now its starting to get preety heavy. early on i did a couple of 20-25% water changes for amoena reduction and things looked great...