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  1. eeltastic


    Just now trying my hand at some coral in what was originally my FOWLR tank. First elegance and one of my first corals ever...just wanted some general tips/keeping an elegance info. Thanks!
  2. eeltastic

    Blue Ring

    he's doing good. thanks for asking. he's ultra nocturnal so i have to get up really early/stay up late to see him when he's active. extremely smart, has a favorite cave. he found it even after i rearranged all of the rocks. I plan on moving him to a 55 i have cycling right now. but in the mean...
  3. eeltastic

    Snowflake eel

    As far as how you feed it...I hand feed my SFE atm but i make sure that my green wolf has had more than his share because i like my fingers attached. My SFE wouldn't touch the brine or krill i was offering him (wouldn't even come out of his cave most of the time) but when i would wave a...
  4. eeltastic

    Blue Ring

    also SL, you act as though 'a little research' would answer every question. And it has answered a lot. But i also want personal experience answers because 'the book' isn't always right. And as you can tell by this thread alone. Everyone gives very different advice, so don't get your panties in a...
  5. eeltastic

    Blue Ring

    for the record, i don't have a trigger, but i have shown interest which is probably where that was assumed
  6. eeltastic

    Blue Ring

    Being brand new to the hobby, even if it only lives 6-12 months that is still a long time compared to my time in the hobby which is about 2 months. They're relatively inexpensive and I do like the more rare types of fish/inv's out there. This particularly species isn't that rare (i dont' think)...
  7. eeltastic

    Blue Ring

    yeah i made all of the necessary precautions knowing how strong and flexible they are( i would be too if i had no bones). And i have weighted down the lids on my cover so he can't push out. All of that said i know that there is still a possibility that he could find a way out because of their...
  8. eeltastic

    Blue Ring

    So i anticipate everybody calling me dumb but i did buy an octopus last night....but no worries it was not a blue ring. it was what i believe is a small atlantic brown. He has acclimated fine, changes color at will and is fairly small. He is in with my green wolf and SFE, I will post some...
  9. eeltastic

    Blue Ring

    Thanks! and my LFS ordered two for a customer interested in them and ordered one extra one that he is selling. I am not sure where he gets them from but i can ask. Thanks for all of the replies...on a side note. Is there another octopus that i can keep with eels? actually what are some of the...
  10. eeltastic

    Blue Ring

    I dont' mind hearing if it is a bad idea. I don't even care how you say it. As long as you actually have experience or real knowledge on the topic. I know it is deadly, which i stated in my first post. I also stated that i didn't want useless comments stating that much. I asked for something...
  11. eeltastic

    Blue Ring

    Thanks for the reply but i only 'attacked' (more like responded) to those who felt the need to insult my question. And it was only one person. But thanks for the reply, i do appreciate it.
  12. eeltastic

    Blue Ring

    Thanks for the reply runn. I started the thread to find out more about the blue ring octopus. If i'm not mistaken these forums are for amateurs and experts alike in the field to share ideas, solve problems and share their love for a great hobby. Obviously i am new to the hobby and therefore will...
  13. eeltastic

    Blue Ring

    Don't you have a thread on stonefish right now? If i'm not mistaken those can be dangerous as well. Also, there is no antidote currently known. And i didn't think that people actually said, 'um...ok man' since i graduated high school. If you have something intelligent to add then by all means...
  14. eeltastic

    Blue Ring

    How many have you owned? With your comment i'm assuming none. But thanks for using my thread to raise your post count. Everyone is really impressed. Obviously it is dangerous. Which is why I was asking those with experiences for some advice/comments and any other useful information. BUt dont'...
  15. eeltastic

    Blue Ring

    I'm considering buying a blue ring octopus and i wanted some real information from those who have owned them in the past. I know the book on these guys and how dangerous they are. Just wanted some stories/experiences in handling, keeping and surviving with these in your tank. Thanks!
  16. eeltastic

    eel with fish?

    how big is he right now? my baby snowflake wouldn't touch ghost shrimp or brine. But when i was dropping some silversides for my wolf eel, he came out of his cave and pulled the silverside off of the skewer. So you might try something more meaty like a silverside?
  17. eeltastic

    green wolf

    yeah going with a predator and planning on agressive tank. although i did just add a baby snowflake which is doing fine (because he is hiding in the rocks pretty well. They are both eating silversides now. The cleaner is always following the wolf around trying to clean him and the wolf has...
  18. eeltastic

    how many eels?

    I have a 75g tank and currently have one baby snowflake, a ten inch green wolf, some snails and a cleaner shrimp. Theoretically, how many eels could i have in my tank? Am i correct in assuming at maximum one more? And any ideas on a third eel? I'm assuming that territory will be the biggest...
  19. eeltastic

    green wolf

    just added a green wolf eel to my 75g dt. He is my first big add. i have 4 chromies 5 snails and a cleaner shrimp. But i was wondering if you guys had any ideas/suggestions/tips on how to get him to eat and get used to his new home. thanks ahead of time.
  20. eeltastic

    help with sweetlips

    i bought a sweetlips from my lfs the other day. my levels are all fine. my temp is 80. salinity is 1.023. he was doing fine for 3 days or so and then went vertical for a while. stopped eating. went on his side and eventually died. i was feeding him/her brine twice a day. any suggestions on what...