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  1. up-n-comer

    HELP Fish not doing well

    Thanks for all the info. Today when I got home one of the clowns has died but the other is ok. I believe I have ick in the tank now. There are two white dots on the clown (very small), but I have a Domino damsel that is realy showing it now, I can't believe I didn't notice it earlier. Im...
  2. up-n-comer

    Help Fish Not Doing Well

    I am foing a water change now thanks. The tank is a 30g and the 4 fish acount for about 5 inches total. Thank you for the info Chris
  3. up-n-comer

    Help Fish Not Doing Well

    I just got home and to my surprise I have found both my percula clowns laying on the bottom of the sand bed not moving very much but stil alive so far. My 2 damsels are hiding but seem to be moving ok I think. Is there anything I can do? My tank has been up for 3 months readings are as follows...
  4. up-n-comer

    HELP Fish not doing well

    I just got home and to my surprise I have found both my percula clowns laying on the bottom of the sand bed not moving very much but stil alive so far. My 2 damsels are hiding but seem to be moving ok I think. Is there anything I can do? My tank has been up for 3 months readings are as...
  5. up-n-comer

    Dirty Dirty sand

    I am curently feeding them with Formula One Marine Pellet. The fish act lick they are hungry but they don't eat it all before it falls to the sand, and then they wont eat it off the sand. I am hoping they will continue to do ok. My tank has only been up for about 3 months. Thanks for the...
  6. up-n-comer

    Dirty Dirty sand

    The sand in my tank is starting to get a little tint of brown to it. I do not have a cuc yet as I just now have put a few fish in. The fish by the way don't seem to eat much food and let most of it fall straight to the bottom and they end up not eating it. I am pretty sure this is were the...
  7. up-n-comer

    what next

    thank you for the information and your time, I appreciate it. Im not sure exactly what kind of fish we plan to get but I would like to have a few damsels, an Angel or two, but most of all I would realy like to get a sea horse. I have ot even seen one at my lfs yet but they said they would be...
  8. up-n-comer

    what next

    My 30gl tank is all but cycled now and I am wondering what the next step is. The way the numbers have been going I believe it will be cycled in few days. I am not in a big hurry but I am just wondering what to do next. I would like to add more LR at some point seeing how I only have about...
  9. up-n-comer

    what next

    I am pretty sure my tank is close to being cycled, it has been about 4 weeks now and these are my readings..... P.H.- always been 8.2, however today, 8.0 Amm.- .25 trites- 0 trates- 20 I also am getting a light brown dusting on my LR ad LS I have a 30g (fish only planned), with 15lbs LR and...
  10. up-n-comer

    starting up a new tank

    Is it ok to add a few pieces after the cycle, or should I just pay-up for all of it now? I have also been told that some of it (LR & LS) may die off because of the cycle, is this true? Thanks again for all the help. Chris
  11. up-n-comer

    starting up a new tank

    thank you I will probably do the same then, I appreciate it. Chris
  12. up-n-comer

    starting up a new tank

    again I am new so please be gentle. I am starting to get a little nervouse about this whole thing and my girlfriend see's me spending all this money but yet there is still no water in the tank. I would like to at least get this thing up and runig today, if possible. I could not fid the...
  13. up-n-comer

    First time for salt

    hello I am new at all of this salt water stuff so please be gentle. I have keept a freshwater tank for years but I have decided to jump into the world of salt. I have looked at many threads and have decided (at least I think so) to set up my 30g with LR and LS. I have been told to try and...