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  1. dkcobbs

    Chromis Long Term?

    I purchase six when first setting up my tank. They all lasted about 3 1/2 years then about six months ago one disapeared. The other 5 have been going strong for 4+ years. 120gallon tank.
  2. dkcobbs

    Purple tang

    I consider a Purple Tang to be the prize of my tank (120 gal). From a distance they are beautiful but when you get up close and really look at them they are fantastic. The details in the purple portion are amazing. I have had mine for over two years. When I add a fish, the purple tang has...
  3. dkcobbs

    Reef Tank w/ Purple Tang - what to add?

    Thanks for everyone's input - In particular I've been thinking about Beth's coments and giving serious consideration to changing out the CC substrate for live sand before I add any more fish. I really don't want to do it but I really wish I had gone with sand in the first place. I've been...
  4. dkcobbs

    Reef Tank w/ Purple Tang - what to add?

    Can I add a second tang? What I've read made be belive that by choosing a purple tang first it would be the only tang I could have in my tank. If I could add a second, are there certian ones I would have to stay away from? I would love a Naso or Powder Blue maybe. I still would love to hear...
  5. dkcobbs

    Reef Tank w/ Purple Tang - what to add?

    Thanks for everyone's input. The more I read the more confusing things seem. I was all ready to go the dwarf angle route - leaning toward a Lemon Peel when I read the thread on Lemon Peels and now I'm wondering if that is safe or not. Before starting this thread I was all set to buy a...
  6. dkcobbs

    Reef Tank w/ Purple Tang - what to add?

    From what I have read, I thought all butterfly fish were out because of how much they enjoy eating the coral. I didn't think I could even go with a copper band because of the favia (my wife's favorite) Short summary of my coral: Zoos, leathers, mushrooms, favia, ricordia, polyps.
  7. dkcobbs

    Reef Tank w/ Purple Tang - what to add?

    I had been considering a Flame Angel but wondered if it would be to agressive for the purple tang. Also I would prefer something more unique. From what I've read, a coral beauty would be less agressive but with the tang being mostly dark purple I was hoping to get something with a lighter...
  8. dkcobbs

    Reef Tank w/ Purple Tang - what to add?

    I have a 120gal Reef tank that has been set-up for about 2 years. I had saltwater about 30 years ago and just got back into things a couple years ago. One of the things I promised myself was that I would take things very slowly this time around. So far my mortality rate has been limited to...
  9. dkcobbs

    Cleveland Area, Need To Make Room.....

    Please email me when the RBTA is available - I would love to be able to get some Xenia but the drive to Cleveland wouldn't be worth it for just the Xenia.
  10. dkcobbs

    Selling off my last tank setup (Eastlake, ohio)

    What type of Anemone? I am interested in the anemone and Clarkii's if you break things up