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  1. arch scot

    New Tank, too fast

    Which fish should i keep?
  2. arch scot

    air bubbles through powerheads?

    Should i leave the air tubing that makes air bubbles in the tank?
  3. arch scot

    New Tank, too fast

    55 gallons, all levels okay. just lost that one fish and never found it, what is going to happen and how do i prevent it?
  4. arch scot

    New Tank, too fast

    Hello, First time. I've had this tank for two months, did I hurry on adding fish? I already have tomato clown, percula clown, clarke, yellow tang, long nose butterfly, purple dottyback, scotter blenny, blue damsel, 50 lbs of live rock. I lost one fish over a month ago and is was a damsel. All...