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  1. ne

    Royal Gramma

    Why did ya'll take your gramma back? I just went up to our LFS because I called them and they said they think he may have some sort of parasite so I had to go up there and get some Kent Marine RxP treatment - he said put 3 1/2 capfuls every other day for 13 days.???? I hope they know what...
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    Royal Gramma

    Are you a teacher? I taught for eight years, then I had a baby and have decided to stay home.
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    Royal Gramma

    Thank God - I'm not the only one that feels that way - people think I'm crazy!! When my puffer died I was SO upset - it was like losing a pet!! Everyone thought I was weird!
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    Royal Gramma

    Sometimes I think - What in the world have I gotten myself into? Its alot of work but I do love it - I just worry everytime one of them are acting weird - very expensive hobby!!!:yes:
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    Royal Gramma

    Thanks Dory36 - If he does get ick - what do I do? Is your gramma ok now? If one fish gets ick - do they all get it?
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    Royal Gramma

    Hey everyone - Ok I've looked at him this morning and I don't see any white spots on him but he's still doing it this morning. It's like he's trying to wipe something off of himself. How do I know if it's ick? If it is - what do I do for it? Is the LFS even open on a Sunday? I'm all worried...
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    Royal Gramma

    ok - good - so you think he's ok? It is hilarious to watch him do it and as soon as I turned off the light he stopped and went into his little hole that he sleeps in and went to sleep. He's so funny. I hope he'll be fine!
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    Royal Gramma

    Just a quick question about my royal gramma - he has just started doing something weird - he keeps rubbing himself up against the bottom of the sand or on one of the live rocks. He does it really quickly - he's been eating fine and swims around all the time. Is this a normal behavior or is...
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    Newbie here - feeding question

    I appreciate the replys. I think I'm going to try feeding them a half of a cube of brine shrimp in the morning and then flake food at night. I'm going to do a small water change next week and watch the tank for a little bit then maybe see about adding something else. I also think we're going...
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    Newbie here - feeding question

    Just out of curiousity - why don't you like anenomes? I've been researching the lighting. There's just so much to do with a saltwater tank but I do love it. I didn't think that I could get so attached to fish.:joy:
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    Newbie here - feeding question

    Is that what their doing, is begging? That is hilarious! They are so cool - I just love them. Well I tell you one thing - the flake food would be alot easier than that nasty stinky frozen food!! haha Which flake would you feed them? All of them could eat the same thing? What did you think...
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    Newbie here - feeding question

    I asked my store about flake food and they told me to feed them this instead of flake food - and they eat all of that food in about 2-3 min.
  13. ne

    Newbie here - feeding question

    Hey everyone - I just wanted to say hello and I'm really new at all of this. It's amazing to me how many different LFS tells me to do totally different things so I thought I would try this and get some experienced people's opinions. We have a 45 gallon tank - it's been up for about 5 weeks now...