Search results

  1. wrassie86

    Aquanetics Aquarium chiller 1/6hp WI

    Hi i have a Aquanetics 1/6 hp chiller for sale Model ASG-3A.its a slim line flow through model.the chiller it self works very good and is rated for up to a 200g tank.It was just serviced and toped off with freon at the beging of summer. It needs a new External Controller,As the stock one got...
  2. wrassie86

    2 prizm skimmers 4 sale

    liquidskys I got your payment,the skimmer will be sent monday(tommorow) i could not pull your email adresse from paypal. So if you could email me your email addy just in case.
  3. wrassie86

    large finger leather for trade WI

    No,is there any around?
  4. wrassie86

    large finger leather for trade WI

    I live in Waterloo it's kinda inbetween Madison and Milwakee but closer to Madison.I was on bluemound rd today,took me about 40 minutes to get there.
  5. wrassie86

    large finger leather for trade WI

    Title says it all very good sized,many branches.going mostly all hard corals in my for zoo's musrooms other frags anything of intrest.prefer local wi trade.
  6. wrassie86

    2 prizm skimmers 4 sale

    Ok lots of people have emailed me, but no money or replys to my emails.first person to pay gets it. I do take paypal (same email addy) It is boxed and ready to go! liquidskys if you want it and pay this weekend it can be shipped monday. Mina_40 I'm not sure what your working with,so i cant...
  7. wrassie86

    2 prizm skimmers 4 sale

    Ya i still have the better one was suppose to be sold, but hav"nt herd from the guy. So if you want it,it's $45 shipped and can ship upon payment.
  8. wrassie86

    Hard and Soft?

    I have kept a mixed tank since the day i started in this hobby 6 years ago.the tank was leathers,softies.lps.zoo's.No acro's though.i bought 1 acro a few years ago,it was great for awile and died(never knew why)i suppose it could have been from leathers. I just went through "old tank syndrome"...
  9. wrassie86

    Should i remove the DSB

    Bang Guy You are right about the rock also.But i feel that rock is the lesser evil because they can be cleaned.recycled and put back into the display.Only thing making that hard is corals being attached i have 3 big Rocks(5 yrs old)_ now that i will call questionable, just because of the growth...
  10. wrassie86

    Should i remove the DSB

    Originally posted by shawna (sory the stupid newbie again) guys does this mean that I would be better not to change out my crushed coral if the dsb's fail in 3 to 5 years doesn't that mean that by the time I do have a pretty tank all would die any way? ( that would be about the time I have...
  11. wrassie86

    Should i remove the DSB

    Originally posted by dburr Just a thought, can sand be rinsed out or baked in an oven to rejuvinate it? Kinda like the phosphate removers. Does the stuff get trapped in the sand grain or between the sand grains?:thinking: :notsure: dbrurr Idont know the answer to that question.But in all the...
  12. wrassie86

    Should i remove the DSB

    Beth How long have you had your DSB?have you hit the 3-5 year mark? Dont think for second that i am putting them down i love DSB"S but i feel they need to be remote as alot other, i guesse "pros"we would call in this hobby.But it's not there word i take, since they are really no better than i...
  13. wrassie86

    Should i remove the DSB

    Originally posted by dburr I was skimmerless for about 2.5 years. I had a DSB and feed heavy. Never had a problem. I added LR and sand from other tanks every so often. Well now that I have gone SPS this year, I added a skimmer and I still have a DSB. Since the beginning of this summer I have...
  14. wrassie86

    Should i remove the DSB

    Well after about 9hrs of reading this week alone in multible forums.I'm gonna go ahead and think that there is nobody here with a DSB that is 5-6 years old and a still thriving tank.since old tank syndrome would set in after 3-4yrs Altho i could be wrong, But that seems to be the "norm". but...
  15. wrassie86

    Should i remove the DSB

    Originally posted by Bang Guy If you have detritus on top of your sand bed then it's no longer live. If you don't want to maintain the critter populations to keep your sand bed healthy then it needs to be removed. I would suggest starting at a corner and siphoning out as much as you can during...
  16. wrassie86

    Should i remove the DSB

    Well i was over at -- reading a huge thread on peoples tanks dying that were all about 3 yrs old.mostly because of loaded and fouwled DSB's. i had my 90g set for about 4 years and started noteing problems about 6 mos ago.but 4 mos ago i had a big move pluse was setting up a 125g to move
  17. wrassie86

    interesting TDS reading

    FWIW, I've read in a couple different places that there are really only a couple of companies that make RO membranes and then companies buy them and sell them under their own name. John [/B] Your right about that, but i also feel there has to be quality levels as with anything factory...
  18. wrassie86

    Updated pictures

  19. wrassie86

    interesting TDS reading

    YA sounds like we have the same one. Well the reason i dont like it is old unit was a high silicate removal system as was the DI.the one i got from ---- is not high silicate removal.And of course WI water is filled with silicates. So what i was left with is, diotom blooms and...
  20. wrassie86

    interesting TDS reading

    my old ro said it had to run for 24hrs before use.I just bought a ro/di off ---- a few months ago a 6 stage, i've been using it for about 2 months and so far i'm not to happy with it (altho i have not tested the water, i think it would test high TDS).my old unit was a kent HI-S. i think i will...