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  1. wrassie86

    Trouble with Oceanic Salt

    Of topic sorry guys! Wrassie, where in WI do you live? [/B] I live in the great town of waterloo.about 40 mins. from mill
  2. wrassie86

    salt water

    Hmmm a bar tank filled with beer and cheese:D
  3. wrassie86

    salt water

    as long as its a bar tank it wont cycle,i dont think theres a time limit to for use either.i used to mix my salt in a 55 g tank sometimes the water would sit for month or longer before use.the only thing i did not like was after so long white gunk would form in the water, but i was told it was...
  4. wrassie86

    mh heat question please read!!!

    I choose to blow air out,but he's not using a pc fan or such he said he's using a room fan.i had a 6inch fan that blew into a canopy and alot of crap and dust from the air onto the top of water.that was also the same fan that cracked a pc bulb what size fan is this??
  5. wrassie86

    mh heat question please read!!!

    ya i second that.dont know if your gonna add pc supplament or not. but i cracked a 96 watt bulb from fan air blowing on it.
  6. wrassie86

    Trouble with Oceanic Salt

    This sounds like the same crap coralife told me 4 yrs ago when i had big problems with there salt.i sent it to them at my cost.they said the salt was alittle messed up and thats it.the big F$&K you.I lost some nice corals:mad: At least when i found a piece of a mouse in a can of bud light i was...
  7. wrassie86

    Urchin and Corals

    Originally posted by Sultan Any problems with them eating coraline algea? Ya that was another big problem,my tank could not produce coraline fast enough to cover up what they would eat.
  8. wrassie86

    Urchin and Corals

    I've had a few urchins.i had a purple and it was a great cleaner never ate any of my corals but knocked things over alot. had a black one with the long points on it and i really liked this this one but he used stab my soft corals.they did'nt like it, so he had no urchens for me.
  9. wrassie86

    Trouble with Oceanic Salt

    Originally posted by calvindo i posted a thread about a month ago, asking the same question. YES, calcium is high in oceanic salt. for that reason, i continue to use oceanic. before switching over to this salt mix, i usually have to dose calcium, whenever a water change is done. You Are...
  10. wrassie86

    Trouble with Oceanic Salt

    Did you do full tests on the new batch or just the calcium? i forgot to do this and dumped it was the last of the Oceanic i had.might be a good idea if you think the test kit may be at fault.if all the other levels are right,ph,alk,sg.i used 2 different ca tests on mine.
  11. wrassie86

    Trouble with Oceanic Salt

    Originally posted by footbag I had a bad batch of Oceanic. The cal was at 800. I bought another batch of the salt and this one was fine. Of the three I've bought, one was bad. ya i remember your thread.i thought i had heard of somebody else with same problem.Do you remember about how...
  12. wrassie86

    no kalk for me, please.

    your only using the clear part of the solution right?and not letting the dust on the bottom of the container enter your tank.i'm pretty sure that if this happens it will deplete your alk.
  13. wrassie86

    Trouble with Oceanic Salt

    Ya i must have just got a bad batch.but where there's one there's more.just a heads up for those getting ready to do water changes.
  14. wrassie86

    Trouble with Oceanic Salt

    Hey guys anyone else having calcium problems with Oceanic salt?Ihave been seeing my calcium levels rising good for some time using this salt over the last several months.but a DIY project that added 30g of new water to my tank put the calcium level at around 600ppm.i tested a new bucket i made...
  15. wrassie86

    Help me to understand (sump Q's)

    ya your right there,when i added the extra 3/4 inch u tube i was able turn the 1 inch ball valve up to about 3/4 open, i know it maxed the overflo out.but it all seems good (the flo)
  16. wrassie86

    Milwaukee Area Help

    hmm i didnt know about fake Atinic 03's exept for 96 watt pc's that i use.most of those stores all sell Coralife bulbs.I'm gonna assume there the fake ones?ya i meant pet world. Aqua exibits may have them, altho i'm not sure i think they carry a few brands besides coralife.otherwise theres...
  17. wrassie86

    Help me to understand (sump Q's)

    So in the sense i should be flowing a hell of lot more water then right?my goal was 5-700 gph, I figure i must fall in there some where.
  18. wrassie86

    Help me to understand (sump Q's)

    Ok i built a DIY sump/fuge/trickle out of a 55g tank and all is well but the flow rate. At the LFS i get my stuff from they have a 125g using a Amiricle trickle filter with a Rio 3100(930gph) return pump running full bore on 3/4 inch tubing. also 1inch U tube for HOB overflo. Now on my set up i...
  19. wrassie86

    Milwaukee Area Help

    you could go to Aqua exibits on 3rd (martin luther king)st, near dowtown(my choice).or pet warehouse outlet on bluemound rd just the other side of 94 or same store on 108 st (my 2nd choice)(green field)also about a 1/2 mile from this store is aquatics unlimited.(108st kinda pricey) and there is...
  20. wrassie86

    How to set up a closed loop???

    A search would give you a alot more info.But for mine i have a intake tube with strainer in the tank that runs to the pump.the the output of the pump is then branched into 2 and returned to the tank.all made with pvc no drilling requried.