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  1. reefy

    Fiji Live Rock Question

    It's mainly your own preference. I've been told not to go by weight but to fill your tank approximately 1/3 with LR. That way you don't take up too much water volume. The less water - the less creatures you can support. For a 180 gal, I would say about 150 lbs would do. But, if you like a...
  2. reefy

    Helios Lights?

    I had no trouble fittig it to my 55gal. It comes with adjustable legs which slide along the inside of the aluminum frame. It fits very nicely on top. The lights sit about 6 inches above the water level. I thought this was good because it allows air movement between the light fixture and the...
  3. reefy

    planning 55g reef

    I just bought a bunch of live rock from Premium Aquatics and it's awesome. I've had it for 3 days and I've already found 3 corals, several copepods and tube worms. Very high quality rock. It's a great price too and shipping is cheap. Good choice to go with them. As far as how much to get...
  4. reefy

    Helios Lights?

    This is a very good light system. I have one. It is made of a very solid aluminum frame, comes with 4 55 watt bulbs (2 blues and 2 7000K days). Very stylish. It sells for only $199 because it's a new fixture from Europe. Not much publicity in the USA yet. I have had no problem with mine...
  5. reefy

    Can I add fish now?

    I continued to monitor my ammonium, nitrites, nitrates, and ph weekly. Your 65 gallon is more than enough to handle about 8 fish initially. Don't be afraid of them dying. The more fish you introduce to your tank, the faster the biological filter will build up. Remember, if there are no fish...
  6. reefy

    add rock after cycle

    Go to ***************.com and purchase your live rock from him. The price is extremely cheap and the rock is fully cured and shipped overnight (very cheap shipping cost). I bought 20 lbs from him and there is no smell and my ammonia levels increased by about .1ppm. You can add this rock...
  7. reefy

    Can I add fish now?

    You should be set to go. Clownfish and Damsels are a good start. Both are hardy and can withstand new tanks. Believe it or not, adding about 5-8 fish will help your tank cycle faster. Two weeks after setting up my first tank, I introduced 8 damsels and never had a problem. My tank was...
  8. reefy

    Low Calcium

    I'm building my first reef tank and have just added 45 lbs of live rock. I can't seem to get my calcium level above 300/350ppm. I'm using Calcium Reactor to try and increase the level, but it's not increasing. Should I increase the dosage? How much can I add without killing the rock?