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  1. monica

    Scarlet crabs doing something strange???

    Hi everyone! It's been a long time. I have been working on my tank for months! I left a question awhile ago when I was ready to give up on my tank. I have been trying to figure it out. Now I have my water level great finally except my nitrate level, but that is only reading about 10. I...
  2. monica

    Not a good night!

    I also put much brighter new lights on. Should I wait for that or should the lights be on now to help the lr? I would guess I need them now. The ammo problem is constant. Also, some of my lr is under the sand. Is that okay? When I put it in someone said to have some under the sand. That...
  3. monica

    Not a good night!

    I just thought I would let you all know. I did the tests on the pure water from Wegmans and there is no question that my test is working. Which means my ammo is up and today it was even higher after I did a water change the day before yesturday. I did another water change just now and blew...
  4. monica

    Not a good night!

    Thank you so much everyone!!! I am going to go tonight and have my water tested for copper. (and buy a test) I also will test it for phosphates. I will also see if my tests are right! It is so great to have help when I didn't think I was going to be able to keep this up! I do not want to...
  5. monica

    Not a good night!

    My ammo. test has never read 0. That's why I will check the test because it always stays at the same point. Never up or down. I watch the snails go into there shell and then a couple days later they smell terrible! I usually use Aquarium Novaqua conditioner and fish protector, but they ran...
  6. monica

    Not a good night!

    Thanks for all the advice. I will start trying to figure this out! I hate to lose everything! I did take all the cc out. I put in 150 lbs. of Southdown sand and 20lbs. of ls over the top. My water is at 78. Thanks again. I can use any help I can get! I keep spending all this time on the...
  7. monica

    Not a good night!

    I also should add that I use tap water still for my water changes.
  8. monica

    Not a good night!

    Okay, I'll try to give much more info. My tank has been set up for about two years. I switched from fish only and cc to dsb and lr about seven months ago. Then about three months ago I bought two cleaner shrimp, two cucumbers, two sally lightfoots, two horseshoe crabs, four emerald...
  9. monica

    Not a good night!

    You do not sound like a jerk. I said the same thing to my lfs but they can't figure it out. They say my water is perfect. Here's what I say with my tests. Ammo .25 (the fish store said it was good but I think it is up a little. But it stays at that level and hasn't gone up for a month. I...
  10. monica

    Not a good night!

    Sorry, I'm just upset and thought I would put my info. on here and see what happens. I have had such a hard time with my tank. I have worked so hard and put so much money into this and I can see it is not going to work! The really bad part about my little story is my water is perfect!!! I...
  11. monica

    Help! I have no idea what is wrong!

    Hi again. Just thought I would let everyone know what I've done so far. I did a 50% water change last night. Didn't do any good. The water looks good but the crabs and snails won't move. I talked to another fish store that was wonderful and they think (like some of you have said) that I...
  12. monica

    Help! I have no idea what is wrong!

    Thank you so much for your help!!! My water is not RO/DI. It's the one thing I have not done. I am using tap water. I do have to learn how to do the water changes the way I should. I'm sure I will have questions on that next! I will try to figure this out before it is too late!!!! I hope...
  13. monica

    Help! No idea what is wrong!

    Sorry it took me so long to reply back. Busy night! Anyway, It is quite a long story, I will try to make it short. I added cucumbers, sallylight foots, cleaner shrimp, and feather dusters. My cucumbers made some white stuff go all over the tank and my feather dusters couldn't open and died...
  14. monica

    Help! No idea what is wrong!

    Thanks! I do have a protein skimmer running. I have had the tank running for a very long time. Over a year. The ammonia and everything was fine till now. I just came back from having my water tested and they said everything was perfect and they have told me before when it wasn't so I think...
  15. monica

    Help! I have no idea what is wrong!

    Thanks!!!! My ammonia has been thst same way for a very long time. It doesn't go up or down. I just took my water in to be tested and they said the water is perfect so I don't know if maybe I am reading it wrong or if it is high. I would guess it's high because something is wrong with these...
  16. monica

    Help! No idea what is wrong!

    I put this in reef tanks also, but I thought I would ask here also! I can't figure out what is wrong! My snails I just put in will not move and my scarlet crabs won't move. I think the snails are dead already. I have a 75 gal. with a blue hippo, royal gramma, and a clown fish. I have...
  17. monica

    Help! I have no idea what is wrong!

    This is really making me so mad!!!!!!! I have spent a lot of time and money and I can see it's all going to be for nothing soon because I can't start all over again! I have a 75 gal. I put lr and ls in a long time ago. Everything was great. It cycled and my lr was turning purple and doing...
  18. monica

    White stuff in tank

    I believe I found the problem! YUCK!!! I will never have a cucumber in my tank again! For some reason they would not go down to the bottom of my tank. They stayed at the top. I just went down and took my top off and climbed on top of the tank and looked down and couldn't find one of my...
  19. monica

    White stuff in tank

    It is on the lr. It doesn't look like it has bubbles. I just found it this morning and it is spreading all over the lr pretty quick. It looks like cotton but some is just little bits and one spot is just a bunch. I know I am not very good at explaining it. Sorry. Could it be from the...
  20. monica

    White stuff in tank

    Hi everyone. I just found some white stuff in my tank. It looks like cotton. Does anyone know what that is? Thanks.