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  1. monica

    Live Rock

    Thanks! That is a good idea with the plastic, but I already have water in the tank. Should I keep that water that tests fine or should I start over? I don't think I should start over-right?? I have 75 gal. of water so I have nowhere to take it out and put it back in. Also, any advice on...
  2. monica

    Protein Skimmer

    Could anyone give me advice on what kind of Protein Skimmer they would use for a 75 gal. tank. It's fish only, but I just ordered lr and it will have dsb. I'm not sure which protein skimmer to buy. Thanks!
  3. monica

    Live Rock

    By the way TheRock0861 I do know where Jamestown NY is. (I'm pretty sure it is where I'm thinking) Thanks for all your help.
  4. monica

    Live Rock

    Hi everyone. I'm sorry I haven't said thank you for all the advice. I was pretty sick for a bit. Anyway, thanks! I am looking and looking and looking into this! I know it's going to cost me big money, but I still just would love to do more! Thanks again. I'll have more questions I'm sure.
  5. monica


    I can get southdown for a little under $5.00 a bag, BUT in order for me to ship it is another question. I tried. I figured it out to send to LaCrosse WI and it cost $22.00 a bag. You have all been good to me and helped me a lot so I am not adding anything to the cost. It's just shipping and...
  6. monica


    I don't know how much to ship. I probably don't want to know! But I could find out.
  7. monica


    My E-Mail address is if anyone would like me to ship some to you. Send me your E-mail address and your address and how much and I will give you my paypal account and shipping and other info.
  8. monica


    Sorry, I live in Rochester, NY.
  9. monica


    I have been asking lots of questions on this subject and decided to switch to sand. I live in Rochester and I went to home depot yesturday and bought Southdown. I don't know if they are still making it or not but I did just got some.
  10. monica

    Live Rock

    I am going to put the sand from home depot in first and then ls. (Much cheaper!) I bought the southdown. I have a undergravel filter right now with the cc. It has two powerheads on it. Are these powerheads the same? I'm not sure what they are they were given to me from my inlaws. I also...
  11. monica

    Live Rock

    If I have to rinse the sand, what kind of water do I use to rinse it? ( I hope these aren't really stupid questions.)
  12. monica

    Live Rock

    Thanks so much for all the help. I will go to ls. Can you help me out with what my tank should have for filtration if I have ls instead of cc? Thanks!
  13. monica

    Live Rock

    Thanks for all the help! I need it! I think it is so great that I can get all this advice! Do you have any suggestions on how to go from cc to DSB????? I really would love to switch but it is scary. I don't want to kill my fish. Thanks!
  14. monica

    Live Rock

    Thanks for the advice! I will do the live rock. I now have cc and it is starting to look terrible. The more I read the more I see that ls would be so much easier. Is this impossible to switch???? How the heck would you do it without changing all the water levels? Just thought I'd see if...
  15. monica

    Clean up crew

    Thanks for the reply! I guess I should just get a little bit. No, I don't have lr yet. I am not sure what to do with my tank yet. The more I read the more confused I am about lighting and lr and what sand to use. I guess I better get on the ball and figure it out before I buy anything else...
  16. monica

    Live Rock

    I am very confused about live rock. What kind of lighting do you need? I have to decide what I want to do with my fish only tank and I'm having a hard time. Any advice is helpful. Thanks. I would love to move up and have lots more in my tank, but the more I read the more confused I am getting.
  17. monica

    Clean up crew

    I have a 75 gal. fish only tank. If I bought a clean up crew package is it okay to put that much into your tank all at once? The packages are pretty big. Do you think they will have enough to eat? I'm looking at blue legged hermits, emerald crabs,sally lightfoot,scarlet crab,feather...
  18. monica

    Bump on Blue Hippo

    Thanks for the advice. I will try that. No I don't have any live rock.
  19. monica

    Bump on Blue Hippo

    My blue hippo has a bump on his head above his eye. It's hard to see the color I think it is a light white or gray. I let the water change go to long this time. I hope I didn't kill him. He just got this bump today. I have a fish only tank and I have a clown fish and a royal gramma and some...
  20. monica

    Blue Hippo

    oops--I hope I DID NOT hurt him! I'm sure you knew that's what I meant.