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  1. monica

    Blue Hippo

    Well, the bump is not real huge I guess but it is almost as big as his eye. It is on is head behind his eye(not touching his eye) It looks like it is hard. It is a pale white color. I let my water change go for longer than I ever have, I hope I did hurt him. Its been over a month. I have...
  2. monica

    Blue Hippo

    Help! My Blue Hippo that I have had for months is not looking good at all today. He has a Big bump on his head and his color is fading. I did a water change yesturday. I have a 75 gal. tank with just fish. Also, a clown and a royal gramma. My water tests fine. I noticed his color fading a...
  3. monica

    Lighting for anemone

    Adrian, thanks for the help! I have to look into the cost and decide what's next! Thanks again.
  4. monica

    feeding blue hippo

    Thanks for the help. My blue hippo is still skittish also. But he also swims right out to get that food!
  5. monica

    feeding blue hippo

    I have had my saltwater fish for awhile now and I have read you should feed a blue hippo a few times a day. I only feed it once a day. Is this a bad thing? Thanks!
  6. monica

    Lighting for anemone

    I take it that means my hood I bought for my tank that has 4 24inch lights on it (two side by side in front and two side by side in the back) is garbage if I switch to a reef tank? Thanks for the advice! I need all I can get.
  7. monica

    Lighting for anemone

    Thanks so far for the help! I've never used this till now and I think it is great! Anyway, would 4-75 watt VHO 50/50 lights be good enough for an anemone or should I have some mixture of lights. (75 gal fish only tank for the moment) Also, to go from fish only to a reef tank - is this...
  8. monica


    Thanks for your help! I'm sure I'll be asking more questions!
  9. monica

    Anemone or no Anemone

    I have a blue hippo, royal gramma, and a maroon clownfish. I want to get a couple more fish. I have a couple crabs. (and am going to get more) For lighting I have two strips with two lights in each. One strip has coralife 50/50. ( Nat. daylight 600K and Actinic 03 blue ) 2-24 inch side by...
  10. monica

    Anemone or no Anemone

    I have a 75 gal. fish only tank. I would love to have an anemone for my clown fish, but I have been told the lighting will be very very expensive and I shouldn't do it. (plus it would cause a lot of algue) I have ran my tank for about a year but I've only done fish. I want to do more but I...
  11. monica


    Thanks for the help! I'm not sure if I dare. I lost fish (and money) from them not getting along and I don't want that to happen again.
  12. monica


    I have a 75 gal. fish only tank. First I need to know if I need a lot of special lighting to have a bubble tip anemone and second if I need anything else. I have heard many different stories. I have only had fish so far. Sometime I would like to do more. Any advice would be very helpful...
  13. monica


    Question, I am wondering if a Kole/yellow eye will bother my blue hippo. I am still pretty new at this.