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  1. jigglebilly

    Stocking Question

    the tank is 29 gallons, right now ive only got 1lbs/gal of LR, i was going to add more but with the rock i have, theres just not room. Do you think a blenny of some sort would work well for a first fish?
  2. jigglebilly

    Stocking Question

    cool, thats what i thought...i just wanted to hear someone else say it before i took the plunge thanks for the help, Patrick
  3. jigglebilly

    Stocking Question

    I bought one of the biocube 29 came with a 36 watt 10000K compact bulb and a 36 watt actinic compact bulb
  4. jigglebilly

    Stocking Question

    i havent noticed any diatom algae outbreak yet...however i bought the 10 crabs for this purpose...but everything (ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates) has been stable since i added the inverts 2 weeks ago. and i cycled with fully cured LR from a SW only LFS. (the rock was pretty well covered in...
  5. jigglebilly

    Stocking Question

    thanks for the heads up, im just a bit worried about the tank, because the ammonia is at 0ppm...i dont want the LR to start dying off...i was thinking about just getting 1 goby to get the rock going again... also, the LR i got was covered in coralline algae when i got it..theres still a lot of...
  6. jigglebilly

    Stocking Question

  7. jigglebilly

    Stocking Question

    Ive had my tank running about 4 weeks now, ive had live rock cycling since about the 3rd day of setup. 2 weeks into adding the live rock the ammonia, nitrites, nitrates all leveled off at 0ppm. So i added 10 crabs, that was about 2 weeks ago and ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are still all at...