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  1. fishman7663

    Water circulation

    Some advice please. So, I have a 10 gallon running now with a Whisper 20-40 HOB filter, which has a 240 GPH rating, setup on the left side of the tank. No other source of circulation is in the tank. Would it be recommended that I buy a powerhead for the right side and if so, what size and type...
  2. fishman7663

    new tank- cycling question

    Quote: Originally Posted by yannifish You may have some difficulties adding another clown at this point, you'll have to choose a properly sized clownfish to pair to your probably by now female clown. Besides, your tank is only ten gallons, so just sticking with one fish may be the best idea. An...
  3. fishman7663

    new tank- cycling question

    Quote: Originally Posted by Fishman7663 I would just like to give an update: I did the transfer to the 10G on Saturday. I added live sand, 10lbs of live rock, some established media from the old tank, and about 4 gallons of water from the old tank. Everything went smoothly. It is now Monday...
  4. fishman7663

    new tank- cycling question

    I would just like to give an update: I did the transfer to the 10G on Saturday. I added live sand, 10lbs of live rock, some established media from the old tank, and about 4 gallons of water from the old tank. Everything went smoothly. It is now Monday and I did a check on the tank parameters...
  5. fishman7663

    new tank- cycling question

    Quote: Originally Posted by Fishman7663 No, I did not have a chiller on the jellyfish tank. I am not going to add the rock right away, but I will definitely get cycled rock when I do. I am going to put the old cycled substrate in the new tank along with some live sand. There is not filtered...
  6. fishman7663

    new tank- cycling question

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Did you have a chiller on the jellyfish tank? ^ ReefKprZ is right. If you use all cycled rock and dead sand, there is very little chance of an ammonia spike. If you have filtration media from your jellyfish tank, keep it wet/underwater while you move...
  7. fishman7663

    new tank- cycling question

    Hello to all. First my story: I am an experienced freshwater hobbyists of 15 years, but a newbie at saltwater. I recently purchased one of those jellyfish aquariums, had 3 jellyfish established in the tank and later added 1 Clownfish. Although the Clownfish is doing great , unfortunately, the...
  8. fishman7663

    Advice on temp control

  9. fishman7663

    Advice on temp control

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bang Guy If it were me I would set the heater to 79F and eliminate the temperature fluctuation. Do you really feel my clown fish will be ok with a temp that high? I thought 76* was optimal for them?
  10. fishman7663

    Advice on temp control

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bang Guy If it's in a cool room simply point a small fan at the tank. This will continually blow away the pocket of warm air around the tank and cool it. If your temperature is still fluctuating then set your heater higher. Hi Bang Guy, The tank is in a "cooler"...
  11. fishman7663

    Advice on temp control

    I am trying to keep my tank (a 7 gallon kreisel tank) at 76*, but with this hot summer so far, it has been very difficult. I already moved it to a cooler room in my house, but it still gets up to 79*, give or take. I do not have money for one of those expensive chillers. I have tried the ice...
  12. fishman7663

    Sick Clown...HELP!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jaodissa I didnt mean to come of as short or mean I just didn't have an answer for you and wanted to provide at least the little help I could. I appreciate it Jaodissa
  13. fishman7663

    Sick Clown...HELP!

    Oh, and by the way, I checked out the website you gave, and if it was ich, it did not get anywhere nearly as bad as those in the pics. Still not sure if that was it though.
  14. fishman7663

    Sick Clown...HELP!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth While your tank did begin the process of cycling, it is not fully established. The more load (animals) you put into the tank, the higher demand on the bio-filter. If the bio-filter can not keep up with the demand, then you will get the ammonia which means...
  15. fishman7663

    Sick Clown...HELP!

    WOW! I'm shocked by the lack of advice. 2 people did respond but with little advice. Thank god the situation worked itself out or I would have to put my trust in some LFS. Frankly, the responders appeared kind of short with me. Guess this is not a very welcome forum for newbies
  16. fishman7663

    nitrate prof fish

    Although there is no substitute for water changes, it depends on the chemicals you use. A certain dechlorinator such as Prime also removes the toxicity of nitrates and nitrites. It does not remove the nitrates from the system, just the toxicity, therefore the water changes take out the...
  17. fishman7663

    Sick Clown...HELP!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth Fishman, no tank is fully cycled in two weeks, let alone cycled enough to accommodate animals. If your tank was fully cycled, you would not have ammonia. It sounds like your fish have ich. Jellyfish are supposed to have a dedicated tank (not shared with other...
  18. fishman7663

    Sick Clown...HELP!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jaodissa brand new tank?? Ammonia .25 ppm is not good..... I've never heard of a jelly fish tank with tank mates either. Hi Jaodissa, it is new, but it has been up and running for approximately a month now. Tank was fully cycled within 2 weeks. I added the clown...
  19. fishman7663

    Sick Clown...HELP!

    Hello to all. I came home today to a sick clown. It appears there are several white raised spots around his mouth and gills and a few on his body on only one side of his body. On the same side, his one eye is cloudy and popped out. I do not have a QT set up but I can get one set up quickly. He...