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  1. d_mcnugent

    who goes bare bottom?

    it was cheato (not sure what halmedia is), yes it has done well and served its purpose, glad you got the payment sorry for the last time that it took so long.
  2. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    well, if it was going to happen, i guess as early as possible is the best time for it to happen... my tang has died he was the last fish i was able to catch and i had to take out well over half of my rocks, each rock that i took out resulted in him freaking out and wedging himself under the...
  3. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    yeah, i got the last of the fish caught soon after i posted, and got the LR back in right after, im sure it should be fine, only out of water for like an hour at most, i have continued taking out sand and there is such a little amount left that i cant imagine it being a problem. i work a double...
  4. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    also, i had some sand in my qt, but since adding fish, i have been removing the sand, for reasons of hypo... question: i have not been able to get 100% of the sand out, is this a problem? i have gotten just about all of it, there is a very small amount left in the tank... very small, is this a...
  5. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    just ripped my tank up, half of the rocks are out, layed out on a towel... i have caught 4 of 6 fish, will have the other two out soon... question: is it a problem for my LR to be sitting out on a towel? will it all die and cause my water to re-cycle?
  6. d_mcnugent

    Treatment For Ich?

    i am curious about what you said... a UV sterilizer will kill ich?
  7. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    hey sep... i have just been skimming through some other threads, and also re-read all of this one... you have helped me so much, and you seem to give great advice all the time and always chime in with help, i hope you know how much i appreciate this, and i am pretty sure i speak for many others...
  8. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    yes... that inconvenient thought has leaked into the back of my troubled mind in the past couple hours... yes i have fed them tonight, i fed them the first time i tried to catch them, then after they freaked out, i left them alone to calm down, fed them tonight, tried again... failed again...
  9. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    thanks, my plans to start hypo might just be pushed back a while, my fish have just shown me whats the deal is... im working on their clock, not the other way around... question - this ich has been here for a little bit now (probably before even i know of)... if this keeps up and im not able to...
  10. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    a net, and i have caught NONE of them... zero down, 6 to go... very frustrated and not sure what to do, good idea on swooping up on them, ill give that a try, this sucks
  11. d_mcnugent

    going to do hypo... need help catching fish

    oh man oh man this is hard... does anyone have any advice on how to catch these fish? please do not say remove all rocks because i really dont think i can do that.
  12. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    oh my god catching fish is HARD! any advice? i need all the help i can get...
  13. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    just got home from class, got my package in the mail, refractometer and all, going to test ph's and SG's, then im gonna go fishin' wish me luck!
  14. d_mcnugent

    Emporer's Gone

    sorry to hear of your loss. i am about to start hypo, probably on thursday, any advice you can give me? thanks and sorry again.
  15. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    i apologize for my long posts my rambling thought processes, just a little anxious and ready to get this going, and want to do it right.
  16. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    also, should i aim to bring the salinity down at a constant rate? assuming my specific gravity is 1.026 (isnt that what it should be?) and i need to bring it down to 1.009 (right?)... i did the math and broke it up into 4 hour periods... to bring it down at a constant rate, i would need to lower...
  17. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    sorry, 1.009 is the specific gravity reading (i think), but you know what i mean.
  18. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    ok here we go... i checked my order status on and it says it will be here tomorrow. wednesdays are my busiest days of the week, on campus for class from 10-5, practice from 7-10, so i will not start hypo tomorrow, i plan on starting the process thursday. here is my schedule as i see it...
  19. d_mcnugent

    Spine Coverings for Urchins!!!!!

    are long spine urchins reef safe?
  20. d_mcnugent

    cleaning tank

    word. thanks.