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  1. d_mcnugent

    cleaning tank

    my question is about the glass, what is the best way to clean it, both the inside and outside? i know that you cant use any cleaning stuff because of chemicals etc. what do you guys do? paper towels? how about the inside? just a sponge? i had one of those magnet cleaners but dont use it anymore...
  2. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    thanks guys, hey here is a random question for you... first off let me say, dont worry i am not going to buy any corals (or anything at all) until i have kicked this ich problem, but im just curious... i will be getting into corals soon after im done with hypo... and im wondering, how do you qt...
  3. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    great advice, thank you so much... ok so i have all the tests that i need coming to me soon, as well as my refractometer... nervous to start this, but i think im ready. ill keep you guys posted when i do start
  4. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    man honestly i dont know the pH of my water, i hope i am not shunned for not knowing this, i have had my tank for 5 months and am still quite a newb to this hobby, however, with my refractometer, i also ordered pH tests, and i plan on starting to regularly test my water... i will let you know as...
  5. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    yes the qt is cycled, its been up for a little while, i have just ordered a refractometer and i will start hypo once i get it in the mail...
  6. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    Kent Superbuffer DKH.... is this a good buffer? it says its the best, but i thought i would get some opinions on that... also, you said i would need a pH and ALK buffer on hand... does that mean have a pH buffer, AND an ALK buffer, or are they the same thing, called a pH and ALK buffer? sorry...
  7. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    i havent put them in there yet, as i have to wait until the refractometer that i just ordered arrives... i just added a smaller piece of LR before i read your post, and was planning on taking it out right before adding my fish... should i remove it now? if yes, why?
  8. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    its a perc clown, pretty small, just over an inch, the chromis are all young and small, about an inch, the tang is also pretty young, 2.5 or 3 inches... they are gonna have to be okay in the ten gallon, its all ive got, i just hope they will be
  9. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    how am i doing my math wrong? you said 2 days to lower salinity, then three weeks after ich is gone, one week to bring it back up, and one and a half weeks to let them be before returning them to the dt... that equals 6 weeks roughly, which is the minimum i said, and if ich returns i have to...
  10. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    i feel comfortable with every step of this process, and i think i have grasped a pretty good understanding of what i need to do... the only thing i keep getting hung up on is putting all 6 of my fish in the 10 gallon qt for 6-8 weeks. i know this is what needs to be done, im just worried, are...
  11. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    great, thanks for the advice guys, 8 whole weeks, dang... ill post any other questions as they come up, thank you for the advice and if anyone has any additional advice, tips, etc. please let me know
  12. d_mcnugent

    going to try hypo... a couple questions

    first, i will need to buy a refractometer, is the one on this site a good one to buy? if no, what is a good one to get? second, i have 6 fish in my tank, clown, 4 green chromis, and tang(with ich), so i will need to treat all my fish. do i put them all in my qt at the same time? its only a 10...
  13. d_mcnugent


    hey guys long time reader, first time poster... i have a 75 gallon that is pretty established, 5 months, 85 lbs LR, i have a blue hippo(i know, some of you are gonna say dont keep that in a 75, ive heard it before), a perclura clown, 5 green chromis. today i noticed some white dots on my tang...