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  1. maleficent

    Sand sifting starfish

    Thank-you. :)
  2. maleficent

    Sand sifting starfish

    I just got a shipment of livestock for my 55g reef and am concerned about a sand sifting starfish. The tips of the legs are breaking down and grainy looking with pieces disentegrating and floating off. is this something that it can recover from or will my scavengers have a feast? Is one 3"...
  3. maleficent


    Are there any cephalopods that can be housed together in a species only tank? I am especially interested in squid, cuttlefish and octopi. If anyone has any good resources for info please post. We are in the fledgling stages of planning a couple more much larger tanks.
  4. maleficent

    Reef Vital vs. Ammonia Test

    Thanks...:) Vicki
  5. maleficent

    Reef Vital vs. Ammonia Test

    Has anyone ever used Reef Vital or Coral vital with Tetra's Ammonia test? I have been using both supplements conservatively for several months and never had an ammonia level that was detectable. Today I had an ammonia of 1.5mg/l (yikes!) I only recently started using more supplement, like is...
  6. maleficent

    growing brine shrimp

    There is very good info in "Marine Atlas" by Baensch. Also check out: Good info. Good luck. Vicki
  7. maleficent

    Rainbow rock

    I saw an ad for rainbow rock from the Marshall islands. the price was 12.99 lb. Has anybody ever heard of rainbow rock? What is it? For 12.99 it must be something special. Anybody got pics?
  8. maleficent

    Siphon question

    I attempted a trial run of a below tank sump/refugium and am plagued with problems. First trial I flooded my carpat because I did a trial run and had the pump return line to the main tank below the main tank waterline which then became a siphon when I turned the pump off. I fixed that. Then, I...
  9. maleficent

    Important Re: Naupili

    From what i read in "Marine Atlas" by Baensch the nitrite is intrinsic in the cysts themselves but not in the actual organism once they evacuate the shell of the cyst. Nitrite is a by product of the means of collection in both San Francisco and Utah/Nevada collected specimen.
  10. maleficent

    Important Re: Naupili

    This is my post from a few days ago, I found the problem! (After I poisoned several of my animals:( ) If anyone out there doesn't know this, besides me. I was cultivating live brine shrimp to feed my filter feeders, etc. I used water from my show tank, I aerated my water, and when the shrimp...
  11. maleficent

    No Pods

    I was worried about enough pods for my mandarin. I found some for 5$ plus shipping on the net. I started with 20 creatures and with no predators in my refugium tank I now have tons...way tons. e-mail me and I will send you the link.;)
  12. maleficent

    Where Did You Get...?

    You might have a hard time finding an IV bag or IV tubing without a prescription or knowing someone on the inside. What will work just as well is a gravity flow feeding bag with a roller clamp. You should be able to get these without a script from a medical supply house. Also, you can buy...
  13. maleficent

    Impending sense of doom?

    I think the only test i haven't done is Copper. Can anyone recomment a good test?
  14. maleficent

    Impending sense of doom?

    I have been using the coral-vital and reef-vital for months. (Yes I read the package.) After the algae bloom I had I did some major cleaning, filters and all. I wonder if I could have cleaned too much and disrupted my denitrifying bacteria. Could a huge algae die-off raise Nitrite?
  15. maleficent

    Impending sense of doom?

    Thanks everyone, I appreciate the help.:)
  16. maleficent

    Impending sense of doom?

    Anybody? Will a massive water change help or will it just compound the problem of my dropping calcium, KH and pH? I have lost 2 Sally lighfoots,a peppermint shrimp, and an emerald crab in the last three weeks. I am puzzled because my more fragile animals are OK. How can I reduce Nitrate and...
  17. maleficent

    Impending sense of doom?

    I did get another test. It was about the same. Nitrite 0.2-0.3.
  18. maleficent

    Impending sense of doom?

    I have a problem with my nitrite level. This week it is 0.3! I have had my tank up and running for approx. 8 months. I test my parameters weekly and have never had a problem with Nitrite. I originally had a very elevated phosphorus at 3.0(ouch) and have gotten it down to 0.05-0.07 with frequent...
  19. maleficent

    Condi Anemone

    I have two Condi anemone being shipped this week alone with 20scarlet reef hermits. I read on that the natural predator of Condi's is the Red-Legged Hermit, which they also refer to as the Scarlet reef Hermit. I thought that the red-leg and scarlet were different species. Did I...
  20. maleficent

    Definition for reef safe?

    Is there a standard definition for "reef safe"? I have seen livestock listed by dealers as being "reef safe" that devour everything from small fish, coralline algae, to inverts. What does "reef safe" mean to you?:confused: