Search results

  1. maleficent

    What is the definition of reef safe?

    I am curious about what the definition for reef safe is. I have been purchasing livestock and see "reef safe" listed beside animals that eat everything from fish and inverts to coralline algae. Is there a generally accepted definition?:confused:
  2. maleficent

    purple lobster

    Originally posted by dhbrk: <strong>will a purple lobster hurt or bother any of my fish or other inverts? (shrimp, crabs, snails, coral, pecula clown, mandarine)or any fish for that matter</strong><hr></blockquote> I have had a purple lobster for about 5 months. I have seen him out of his hole...
  3. maleficent

    diatom bloom madness

    I found RO water at Wal-Mart for $0.58 a gallon. It tested OK. No nitrates, phosphates or metals. Good luck. Vicki
  4. maleficent

    Decorator crab

    I have a decorator crab also. He is indeed very interesting. A word of caution, he will eat inverts and corals. Mine ate two shrimp before i caught him. If you have sponges, corals or anemones he will pick pieces off them and use them for decoration. I named him GLB for greedy little ba$%@rd...
  5. maleficent

    Being overrun!

    I am being overrun (like Custer at Little Bighorn) with feather dusters. i started with 2 giant Hawaiians that I bought about 4 months ago and now I have 20-30 that are about 1/4 to 1/2 inch scattered all over my live rock. They are definately not apistasia or anything else. Has anyone else...
  6. maleficent


    Brooklynella has been recently cropping up in damsels and angels. I had a hard time believing that was what it was because I had only known it to be associated with Clownfish. I did some research and it was the only organism that fit the clinical picture. My tank params are: pH 8.2, SG 1.024...
  7. maleficent


    I lost two of five yellow-tail blue damsels to brooklynella in spite of formalyn etc. about two months ago. Last week I had another of my damsels become ill with the same symptoms and appearance. i spent 4 hours attempting to capture him and finally gave up. Two days later he started...
  8. maleficent

    Help please...

    I have a mandarin in my 55g. I have only 50lbs of LR so I knew I would need additional live food for him. I have a small refugium tank that I am farming my pods in. How is the best way to ensure that the pods actually get to the live rock for the Mandarin to forage? I don't want them to get...
  9. maleficent

    Help..Getting pods to Mandarin?

    have a mandarin in my 55g. I have only 50lbs of LR so I knew I would need additional live food for him. I have a small refugium tank that I am farming my pods in. How is the best way to ensure that the pods actually get to the live rock for the Mandarin to forage? I don't want them to get...
  10. maleficent

    Pregnant shrimp

    I have three peppermint shrimp in my tank. One of them has what look like eggs in her(?) abdomen. The other had these and now has these same small round things on the outside of her(?) abdomen, enclosed by her swimmerettes. Could these be eggs and if so what do I need to do for these...
  11. maleficent

    sponge lookin thing

    Originally posted by MommyFish: <strong>hi...i have a rock in my tank with button polyps all over it...and on the corner of the rock there is a soft white ball...i touched it and it feels like a sponge type looks like a moon...its the size of a quarter...but fat...any...
  12. maleficent

    Adventure or folly?

    I am considering buying completely uncured rock and curing it myself. I would love to hear how this went for others and some tips. I like the great mystery of finding out what might be living in/on it. Tips? Horror stories? I plan to cure the rock in large plastic tubs. How bad is the smell...
  13. maleficent

    Which one is guilty?

    Originally posted by Maleficent: <strong>This last couple weeks I have had my Purple Reef lobster and my Arrow crab come up missing, I mean gone, completely without even a leg turning up. I searched through my live rock, in it, under it and no sign. Both were healty, active and feeding well...
  14. maleficent

    Which one is guilty?

    Originally posted by golfish: <strong>maybe a Mantis shrimp......Have you added any new live rock?</strong><hr></blockquote> I thought about that. I have added no new rock. I have 55lbs of LR that was in my tank for months before I added anything. Would I have seen evidence before now?
  15. maleficent

    Which one is guilty?

    Originally posted by Maleficent: <hr></blockquote> I watched them and they were picking it off. I have considered that my Sally Lightfoot might also be guilty. I had 2, one is in a second tank with my Decorator Crab-big mistake buying that one. Any ideas where I might find good info about...
  16. maleficent

    Which one is guilty?

    Originally posted by Volitan: <strong>Why do you think your blue-legs were eating your coralline algae? I've heard of blue-legged hermit crabs eating alot of things, but never coralline.</strong><hr></blockquote>
  17. maleficent

    Which one is guilty?

    This last couple weeks I have had my Purple Reef lobster and my Arrow crab come up missing, I mean gone, completely without even a leg turning up. I searched through my live rock, in it, under it and no sign. Both were healty, active and feeding well. My water quality is perfect. The other...