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  1. disaster

    What type of anemone is best for percula clowns?

    Hi, I am ordering a pair of percula clowns and would like to know which type of anemone is best for them. I had a hatian pink tip anemone and a pair of clowns once before and the anemone ate one of the fish. I am not sure whether the fish died first or if the anemone killed it? It happened...
  2. disaster

    Urchin Problem

    Will urchins feed on anything else except my corraline algea. If I want the corraline to continue to grow should I remove the urchins Thanks
  3. disaster

    Ammonia Levels continue to rise!!!

    We started the tank around the first of the year, and we cycled it with 2 damsel fish and we have had the tang for over a month. We turned in the damsels when they killed our first clown.
  4. disaster

    Ammonia Levels continue to rise!!!

    Our ammonia is reading about a 4ppm. The anemone is a haitian pink tip anemone. It is sort of brownish, and about 1/2 of its tenticles and deflated and shrunk. I don't think it is competely dead but I think it is going. It doesent seem to be moving much either. We also have a small yellow...
  5. disaster

    Ammonia Levels continue to rise!!!

    We have a 29 gallon tank. We put 20 snails in our tank about 15 days ago. 10 of them were dead, but given the nature of snails we could not tell if they were dead or not until a few days went by and they didn't move. We removed the snails from the tank. Our Ammonia levels went up a bit and...
  6. disaster

    Stubborn amonia levels, HELP!!!

    Originally Posted by earlybird What kind of test kit are you using? Aquarium Pharaceuticals Ammonia tests seem to always read 0.25. We are using a Aquarium Pharmaceuticals test kit but, we have never had a reading above 0 until now. We are new to this so our knowledge and experience is very...
  7. disaster

    Stubborn amonia levels, HELP!!!

    We don't seem to have any more dead snails in the tank but you brought up something that may have contributed to the amonia levels. When we did the water changes we vacuumed the sand while we were removing the water. We seem to have alot of diatom alge on the top of the sand. So we thought...
  8. disaster

    Stubborn amonia levels, HELP!!!

    We did add 10 hermit crabs. Although they were quite small and they are hard to locate, I'm sure that they are in there on the live rock somewhere.We also have two purple urchins. I think they only eat alge though.
  9. disaster

    Stubborn amonia levels, HELP!!!

    Yes, I beleive the tank has cycled. We started the tank around the first of the year. We have live rock, sand substrate, we have had fish in the tank since the 3rd week of January. Started with damsels, we have had alot of alge, a starfish which has died. a few clowns(also dead, an anemone...
  10. disaster

    Stubborn amonia levels, HELP!!!

    Hi, About 1 week ago we added 20 snails that we pruchased from 10 turned out to be dead. Since then our amonia levels have been elevated to about 1.0 give or take .5. We have done 2, 25% water changes 2 days apart. added ammo lock. Then we did a 50% water change last night. We...
  11. disaster

    Stubborn amonia levels, HELP!!!

    We added 20 snails to our tank that were purchased from Half were dead or died the first day. Our Amonia levels have not been the same. We ha done 2, 25% water changes 2 days apart, then did a 50 % water change last night. We also added ammo lock twice 2 days apart and last night...
  12. disaster

    BTA ate firefish??

    We had something very similar happen to our fish this past weekend We had two clowns in our tank when we went to bed at night. When we woke up we had one dead clown and one missing clown. We searched our tank over and no fish. The next day we found the skeleton of the missing clown. We had...
  13. disaster

    Ammonia Remover

    Read the bottle - It states it does
  14. disaster

    Ammonia Remover

    Can someone please give me some feedback on ammonia remover products- such as AmQuel. It claims to remove ammonia,Nitrate,Nitrite in saltwater. Thanks
  15. disaster

    Wierd Clowns?

    Hi, I'm new to the salt water fish tanks but, the experience that I had with damsels and clowns might give you some useful info. When we first started our tank we had two damsels which turned out to be very territorial they actually killed my first clown within hours. So your clowns may be...
  16. disaster

    Need Help with Clowns

    Yes, We agree. I think that may have been the case with the second 2 fish. The first one was attacked by the damsels. But clowns number 4 & 5 were ordered from and they lasted 3 days. Where is there a place where you can buy fish that have a chance of living. We have a very...
  17. disaster

    Need Help with Clowns

    Hi, /we have had our salt water tank since that 1st of the year. We have live rock , yellow tang , blemmy, several snails, 2 urchins, a few blue leg hermit crabs and a pink tip haitian anemone. All seems to be doing well except the fact that we cannot get a percula clown fish to live for more...
  18. disaster

    Yellow tang dorsel fin

    Hi thank you for your reply. The fish is about 3" for tip of his nose to end of his tail. the tank is 29 gallons, and about a week ago we added a lawnmower blemmy, a pink tip haitian anemone, a few snails and hermit crabs, and 2 purple urchins. we also added 2 clowns but they didn't make it.
  19. disaster

    Yellow tang dorsel fin

    Hi, we have a yellow tang. It seems to be doing fine, eating well color is good. The only thing that seems strange is that the past few days its dorsel fin seems to be stuck upright, never putting it down. Also seems to be a little aggitated, moving and swimming a little faster. Temp is 77...
  20. disaster

    Still trying to reach with questions. Put this company on a list of rotten customer service. It seems the only time they will respond to an email is when they are trying to soliciate more business. How does this 15 day guarantee work. Do you wait the full 15 days to see what else will...