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  1. disaster

    Ammonia Levels?

    1 tang, 1 blennie, 10 snails, 10 hermits everything accounted for- my ammo lock says for fresh and salt water??? salinity 1.024, temp 76, emperor 280 filter
  2. disaster

    Ammonia Levels?

    After 2 25% water changes over a 2 day period my ammonia level is still 1.0 - Nitrate is 10,Nitrite is 0-0.25 somewhere in between PH 8.4. Tank is 3 months old- 29 gallon 15 lbs LR. Problem started when I add 10 snails ordered from of which 9 were dead ,they were removed the next day...
  3. disaster

    Disappearing Clown Fish

    I check all crevices and outside of the tank. I thought I should see at least some of the fish remaining. I drip acclimated them
  4. disaster

    Ammonia Levels?

    Does the ammonia level always have to be zero . Is there a tolerable level. My tank is 3 months old and my level is approx. between 0.25 and 0.50. Should I do a wter change with this level. All other levels are fine. Just lost 2 clown fish last night that had been in the tank for 3 days...
  5. disaster

    Disappearing Clown Fish

    Had 2 Percula clowns that were purchased from approx 3 days ago. found 1 dead at the bottom of the tank and the other one is nowhere to be found. Also in the tank 1 tang, pink hatian tip anemone, blennie, snails and hermits. All the rock has been moved and the sand bed checked. Any...
  6. disaster

    Pink Tip Haitian Anemone aggressive??

    Has anyone ever heard of a Pink Tip Haitian Anemone being aggressive? Clown fish is missing! I think Anemone may have had it for dinner!
  7. disaster

    Clownfish and killer anemone????

    No, I haven't heard that. I have not witnessed our tang bothering the clowns. Unless the tang only strikes at night when we are not there to view it. During the day they seem to get along very well. But, our fish do seem to die during the night. Only one has died during the day. It was...
  8. disaster

    Clownfish and killer anemone????

    I am not an expert BUT... IF the two clowns were tank raised together and one semed to die, then maybe the other one died form seperation anciety. and many things you have listed above could have eaten it. next time you purchase some, make shure that they do not stick together that much, but...
  9. disaster

    Clownfish and killer anemone????

    A few days ago we purchased 2 false percula Clownfish, a pink tip Hatian anemone, several snails, along with several blue leg hermit crabs. We also have a Yellow Tang a Lawnmower Blemmy and 2 purple urchins. This morning we woke to find 1 clown dead and the other missing. We have searched our...
  10. disaster

    Clown & Anemone

    The other day we purchased 2 false percula clownfish and a pink tip hatian anemone along with several snails and blue leg hermit crabs. We also have a yellow tang and to purple urchins and a lawnmower blemmy. We drip acclimated the fish for 3 hours and the anemone for 2 hours. This morning we...
  11. disaster Where are you?

    Orderded snails on which arrived DOA. I have some questions on returns and reinbursment. Does anyone ever e-mail back. Or is there a contact phone number. Thank You
  12. disaster

    Clown swimming at sand bed

    3 days ago I put 2 Percula clowns in my tank. I noticed that 1 is almost laying on the sand bed. He looks healthy and swims off if you tap the glass but returns. The other one joins for a while then swims off. Is this a normal action. Thanks
  13. disaster

    Are My Snails Alive

    Should my percula clowns be eating. Two days in the tank. They seem fine but not eating yet. Tried shrimp and flake food
  14. disaster

    Are My Snails Alive

    I have just received 10 Nassarius Snails yesterday from 2 seem to be moving and 8 are not. How do you tell if they arrived DOA. Is this normal for them not to move for 2 days. Thanks
  15. disaster

    Silver Fish

    Where would I purchase silverfish for my anemone
  16. disaster

    What to Feed ?

    should the food be placed in the center of the Anemone or anywhere on the tentacles. Will the anemone stay where it is placed or find a place that it likes in the tank? Thanks
  17. disaster

    What to Feed ?

    should it be placed in the center of theAnemone or anywhere on the tentacles
  18. disaster

    What to Feed ?

    JUst received my Pink Tip Haitian Anemone from All is well. What type of meaty foods should they be feed. Would shrimp be ok. And if so is it placed in the center of the Anemone? Thanks
  19. disaster

    Help- Green Hair Algae Taking Over

    Started with tap then have been adding RO for top offs and did 1 20 % water change with RO
  20. disaster

    Help- Green Hair Algae Taking Over

    I have asked this question before, but still need help. The green hair algea is getting worse in my 29 gal. Please do not ask for my readings since all are near perfect inc. nitrarte, nitrite, ph, ammonia, calcium and phosphate. 1 fish in the tank now- cleaners on order. The tank has been...