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  1. disaster

    What is with this diatom

    My tank has been established 2 months and it seems to be getting worse. No cleaners in at this time just 1 fish. Any ideas Thanks
  2. disaster

    Protein Skimmer

    Thinking about getting some zoo corals- Do all corals require a protein skimmer
  3. disaster

    Help with Bio Load

    I have a 28 gallon tank, live rock, emperor filter. The tank has been established approx. 2 months. I cycled the tank with 2 damsel fish but removed them after I introduced a clown which they promptly attacked and killed. The following week I purchased 2 false clowns (wild caught), and a...
  4. disaster

    Help with Bio Load

    I have had some problems with establishing my tank (most likely poor acclimation). tank is 2 months old now I am left with 1 tang and alot of rock algae and diatom on my sand bed. I have a 29 gal tank with all levels checked reg. and are fine. Would adding snails, crabs and 1 fish all at once be...
  5. disaster

    anemone killed my clown ?

    I am following up on a post that I had made a few days ago. My tank is 2 months old and I have two very small anemone's growing from my live rock . Approx 1/4 long brown in color. Last week I lost my 2 false clowns within 2 days apart that had been in my tank for 2 weeks. Is it possible that...
  6. disaster


    Would it cause to much of a load on a 29 gallon tank if I put the cleaner crew in (10 snails and 10 crabs) along with 2 clowns all at the same time.
  7. disaster


    Can anyone advise me as to the best cleaners to use in my reef tank. Seem to be getting alot of diatom. Water is topped off with RO, tank is 2 months old with 1 yelllow tang. Also I am looking at order fish from this site- any feedback. How do you get over the min. purchase charge if all you...
  8. disaster


    Can someone tell me the best way to attack a diatom algae problem in a 2 month old tank. It seemed to be getting better a few weeks ago , now it seem worse. The only animal in the tank is a yellow tang.
  9. disaster

    False clown fish dying

    The levels were as follows PH 8.3 ammonia 0, nitrate 0, nitrate 0, salinity 1.022.
  10. disaster

    False clown fish dying

    They looked perfect. No signs of disease.
  11. disaster

    False clown fish dying

    The tank has been set up around 2 months. They lived for 2 weeks. One died, two days later the other false clown died right in front of me. The tang is still ok.
  12. disaster

    False clown fish dying

    Has anyone had there fish swimming one minute and dying the next? Does the fact that they were wild caught false clowns as opposed to tank raised make a difference?
  13. disaster

    False clown fish dying

    I realize we will have to give the tang up when he gets bigger. At this point the tang has not once seemed to bother the clowns. The levels are as follows PH 8.3 ammonia 0, nitrate 0, nitrate 0, salinity 1.022. My thought was the acclimation was a problem. I had bought the 2 clowns the day...
  14. disaster

    False clown fish dying

    Please Help. I am new to this hobby. I have a 28 gallon tank, live rock, emperor filter. The tank has been established approx. 2 months. I cycled the tank with 2 damsel fish but removed them after I introduced a clown which they promptly attacked and killed. The following week I purchased 2...