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  1. jalso

    multi-depth reef??

    Thanks for the input!! krishj39, The idea hadnt occured to me that that doing the left/right light level thing would mimic nature (on a much smaller scale), you got my wheels turning.... RobChuck, I dont have the tank yet, I want to figure out (as much as I can) what I want to work towards...
  2. jalso

    multi-depth reef??

    I just thought of another possible variation, put a MH over the center, with floresents towards the ends. This would make the tank look more asthetically pleasing (at least to me) in that the lighting would at least be symetrical. I dont know if the light from the MH would be reflected/refracted...
  3. jalso

    multi-depth reef??

    Hey all, I am planning on setting up a 180 gallon reef tank (I've been planning for awhile now...). My question is I'm having troubles deciding on building a shallow or deep water reef. I very much want to get Tridacna clam once everything is has stabalized, but at some point (albeit very much...
  4. jalso

    Lighting canopy??

    Hello all, I'm doing some research towards putting together a 125g reef tank. I'm trying to anticipate my equipment needs ahead of time so I dont get caught up in an infinate upgrade cycle. After choosing my tank size, next on my list is lighting needs. I'm leaning toward MH over PC to give...
  5. jalso

    Possible to have LR and LS w/ a wet/dry filter?

    I am only starting to research setting a reef up, so I currently have no experience, but want to start engaging in discussions to test my understanding and knowledge of the subject. Broomer, in your earlier post you explained that by overloading the system with more bacteria than the food supply...
  6. jalso

    Lion in reef?

    I'm looking into building a reef tank, and am wondering if it is possible include a lion. Are there any cleaners that he wont eat? Would he go after corals or clams?? Thanx in advance.
  7. jalso

    Strange question...

    I am doing some reading and research on setting up a reef aquarium (125 gallon). Unfortunately, the only places in my house that would be feasable to put the aquarium is directly above an air-conditioning vent. Would there be a problem with piping the air to a vent on the side of the cabinet...