Search results

  1. philburt

    id please

    found it near a rock that was missing some zoos not sure if he did it right now he is sitting in a glass waiting his verdict
  2. philburt

    id please

    is this a bad critter thanks
  3. philburt

    For sale or trade koralia 4 1200gph

    what size tank you have it in
  4. philburt

    Where can i find egg crate?

    that is were i got mine or might a been lowes
  5. philburt

    pickle bucket

    hope this is not to dumb of a question. i need to do a about a 60 gal water change I got some pickle buckets from a hamburger joint in town, I took them to work used the hotsy them out then took a towel with bleach on it and wiped it on the inside then hosed them out again . they still smell...
  6. philburt

    snail question

    that might just be the case there are many shells sitting on bottom with no Tenants. I will purchase some more and watch for a few nights , hope the ones still left have turbo
  7. philburt

    snail question

    I have a dozen or more blue leg hermits in 90 gal tank and any time I add Astrea Snails the hermits take them the question I am starting to get a algae problem do to new lights and need to get some kind of algae eaters (for glass) that crabs will not bother. Nassarius or Cerith ?? and...
  8. philburt

    base rock

    quick question i have some dried out rock in a box out in the garage ... is it ok to boil and put in established tank thanks
  9. philburt

    mh reto mounting

    thank you
  10. philburt

    mh mounting

    just got my retro kit with 2x 250 mh . heres the question do i screw directly to the top of hood or do i need some kind of spacer thanks
  11. philburt

    mh reto mounting

    just got my retro kit with 2x 250 mh . heres the question do i screw directly to the top of hood or do i need some kind of spacer thanks
  12. philburt

    Selling: MH RetroFit

    can i get a pict thnks
  13. philburt


    hello I am also in filer . as far as exotic guppy goes um well sucks the information he gives you was written on some stone tablets he found in a cave somewhere ha ha not kidding.. I did not know any better myself ,all he cost me is time and money.One lucky day I found this site with all these...
  14. philburt

    2X250W MH For Sale

    do you still have ?im in twin if so let me know and we can chat and come to a deal
  15. philburt

    Cleaner Shrimp?

    my cleaner shrimp is pecking at some red zoos i put in about a week ago is this normal or is he doing bad things also emerald crab hanging out there to TY
  16. philburt

    cpr hob fuge best offer
  17. philburt

    Coke or Pepsi?

    bunch of filthy coke drinkers going to have to change sites now(kidding) thats my loyal pepsicola employee thoughts .. dr pepper is the best but since its not a coke or pepsi product it holds its own
  18. philburt

    sump placement

    I heard this is were the big boys swim so here is a ? for all the DIY ers I have a 90gal already placed and running. I would like to put a 20 gal sump or fug under tank in stand the problem i am having is that not enough room to angle it in to position can i remove front center support...
  19. philburt

    help and info please

    didnt think so but you never know
  20. philburt

    help and info please

    been a whole ten min must be a no go