Search results

  1. leadan

    Micro-organisms on my glass

    What you are seeing is most likely copods and amphapods. These are benificial and wanted in a healthy tank. They make a natural food source for most fish and play a key role in the nitrogen cycle. I have learned a lot on these threads and you can also. read as much as time allows there is a lot...
  2. leadan

    anyone heard of these?

    I have noticed what look like small maggots(only skinny) swimming in my tank. They are very fast and pretty small but you can clearly see them. The biggest is maby a quarter inch or so. Probably harmless but I am wondering if they will turn into something. Maby a larva stage. I had a callico...
  3. leadan

    What fish should I get for 40g?

    Great advice about the mandarin,,,but I also have a 40 and have a very healthy mandarin, and scooter blenny that both eat the pods. It is a healthy tank and the mandy was in good shape (size) when purchased. I have noticed a decline in the pods but make no mistake they are reproducing. also...
  4. leadan

    Weird? New Pep. Shrimp molted already/Goby missin'

    keep a watch out the goby was/is probably just hiding. they can bury themselves completely in the substrate,(I think) my blenny does every night and they are similar to gobies.Anyway I dont think anything in your tank can eat it overnight(might be wrong). Still learning... Good luck. Let us...
  5. leadan

    I am not getting all pics. anyony know why???

    I can not get all the pics I used to. when re vamped the fourum now I only get a few pics. Is there something I am missing or doing wrong?
  6. leadan

    My Poor Feather Duster

    I agree,, if your duster was not damaged and "left" the tube, then he should be fine. Do not get impatient though it may take a while for it to build another tube. Mine threw its feathers at the pet shop so I had to wait for them to grow back. Two weeks and they are small now. Just keep him...
  7. leadan

    need advice on some good Algae eaters?

    I was amazed how much algea my sea urchen eats. I paid 10 dollars for it and it is fantastic. It is small and black with quills everywhere and cool blus spots. Very interesting to watch. Caution though I read their mouths are so strong they will scratch acrylic tanks. I believe that. also they...
  8. leadan

    Clownfish & Anemone!

    Just wanted to let ya know I read the other day that green brittle stars like to hunt when larger. I was looking up info on my brittle starfish and found some very interesting stuff. I have a bubble tip brittle and want to get a green brittle, just watch him if your clowns do mate. If you want...
  9. leadan

    main attraction?? ideas

    I know of a site that has spotted jaws. e-mail me at dannyleaver@yahoo for details. they start around 65 bucks.
  10. leadan

    LFS guy has me all confused on!

    I have a USA Current Satelitte has to do for now. I HATE that 7000k/10000k bulb...the light is too makes me crazy. Fish store guy said to replace with a 10000K and a 420 actrinic(sp) in replace the 7/10 dual w/ a 10K and replace the 420/460 dual with a 420. I...
  11. leadan

    main attraction?? ideas

    I agree on the mandarin and actually I have had one in there for over a month, I have upwards of 50 pounds of lr and also 20 pd ls. my tank is very healthy so far. I was worried about the food supply till I introdeced the live sand, I now have lots of copods for him to eat. I can see them at...
  12. leadan


    I do not yet have a picture of cally which is unfortunate would have loved to photo the way she looked taken care of eggs. Anyway there is a link on this search engine if you type in calico crab you will get a few pics under others. one had two under lepord crab, these bottom two resembled my...
  13. leadan


    there is a 5 pound piece in there and I am givein them zooplex plankton, thanks for the feedback, there are thousands maby a million of these guys, they are cool but i do not expect to have more than 10 survive. I have read it is natural to only have 1 to 5% survive in the wild even. But that...
  14. leadan

    Calico Crab

    I am new here and I see you had a litter a couple years back, any luck what happened? I have a calico that has been carring her eggs around for a few weeks and they hatched today, Babies everywhere in an isolated tank.
  15. leadan

    main attraction?? ideas

    I am looking for ideas for a main fish for a 40h. Looking for beauty as well as personality. Ideas welcome,, still researching many fish.
  16. leadan

    10 days?

    What is your substrait??? I have a 40h and about 40-50 pounds of lr. I would recomend getting a bag of live sand as well. I did and in a few days I had copods clinging to glass{good sign of life}. Also good food source for a few species. The brand I used was agri-alive available at most lfs. 20...
  17. leadan


    I have a calico crab that just had a gazillion eggs hatch today. Feeding them phytoplankton,,,I hope. The survival rate is like somewhere around 5%. They are Isolated in a 10 gallon for now, didn't want her to have them in the main 40 tank. Any care suggestions? Finding info for this calico...
  18. leadan

    protein skimmer

    I'm BCollie in NC!! How did I get someone else's log in name??!!! Moderator help!!!
  19. leadan

    protein skimmer

    Noisy isn't it..:D I had a 250 on my 20g, but it has been replaced. I don't even think the Skilter filter is any good...I was constantly having to change filter pads. Sorry, I feel your pain. Is it too late to take it back to the store for a refund? On 2nd thought, if you still have the...
  20. leadan

    AquaC Remora - how does it work?

    I don't understand the really is not pulling any skimmate. It has been running for 2 weeks! I levelled it and have slowly raised the cup each day...I just see bubbles in the tube. I have lr, ls and a clean up crew in the should be pulling something, shouldn't it? I bought...