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  1. calem

    clown fish

    dose any one have a real pic of a true perc
  2. calem

    clown fish

  3. calem


    if u can remember that would be a big help thanx and allso i cant seem to find any one to ship to canada it sucks !!! swf wont ship here :mad:
  4. calem

    clown fish

    so is it becuse the stripes dont go all the way around or whats the big differnce>?:confused:
  5. calem

    r/o watter

    i dont have any fish yet so what do u think i should do i do not wanna take all the watter out becuse the salt is expensive
  6. calem

    clown fish

    can some one show me a true perc and a false cuz the lfs has some i need to know okie thanx
  7. calem

    r/o watter

    if u used tap watter (cuz lfs said it was ok ) can u put some r/o water in there to kinda change it for the best?
  8. calem

    fluval 204

    oh sorry sand storm is a bio filter system i think are air drivin protine skimmers good?
  9. calem


    or not :(
  10. calem

    fluval 204

    i got the 204 along with chemizorb and green-x and with in 2 days im geting a sand storm i think its called im not its a sand filter of sum sort i figure go big or go home thats my motto sept i didnt realy go big on the tank but im just getin into the hobby soorry im so dumbfounded guys...
  11. calem

    fluval 204

  12. calem


    hi is there any way i can get a shark egg shiped to canada?
  13. calem

    when do i add the salt?

    hmm that didnt help at all ?:notsure:
  14. calem

    when do i add the salt?

    say u added salt to tap watter is there any way to make it beter concidering that salt is so expensive
  15. calem

    fluval 204

    so what would i need then :confused:
  16. calem

    fluval 204

    hi guys im looking into a canister filter and wondering how good the fluval 204 is for my 29 gallon set up ? or any recomondations ?
  17. calem

    how much salt?

    no live sand or live rock yet when do u think i should get some the lhs is geting some in on jan 5 or should i find some sooner and i have a bout a month to lern lots more whell my tank cycles im sorry im so disapointing
  18. calem

    how much salt?

    hmm that was kinda rude that is why iam in the new hobbyests forum but any ways its siting at 1.023
  19. calem

    how much salt?

    whats the rating suposed to be at
  20. calem

    how much salt?

    ok i aded 3 more cups and it syas 22 ppt 1.016