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  1. wren tidwell

    My own webpage

    Beautiful tank and spectacular pond/garden. You ought to send that picture in to Better Homes and Gardens - it is definitely worthy! I love gardening too and also have a 55 gallon tank that is not quite as mature as yours. Maybe you could give mine a looksie and tell me what you'd add to it...
  2. wren tidwell

    Will they go in???

    I also have a false percula. I bought a ritteri anemone and my clownfish took to it within minutes. He loves it and hasn't moved from it since. It is so cool to watch him in his new little home. Well, not so little, ritteri's are quite large. Mine can extend to 10" or so across. So be sure you...
  3. wren tidwell

    Best Algae eater in the business........

    I also have a large hermit crab and an emerald crab. So far no problems with either of them getting along with my blenny.
  4. wren tidwell

    Best Algae eater in the business........

    I agree. I have a lawnmower blenny too and I love this little guy. Not real pretty but what a character and a busy, busy cleaner. My diamond goby (Valencienna puellaris) also cleans up algae on my CC. He is fun to watch too.