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  1. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    refractometer from this website
  2. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    So I finally achieved a salinity level of 1.009 to attempt my first encounter with ich. When doing this everything was going great. Fish were eating and swimming perfectly. Then all of the sudden my Flame Angel Died. And I noticed the Blue Tang breathing fast. My blue tang had ich. My...
  3. joker3762

    Car Audio?

    I believe the batteries you are referring to are Opteum yellow top, The best batteries for sound. they are excellent deep cycle and low bass output. If you get these batteries your mom can jumpstart a Semi truck. Also her truck will start better in the winter if you are in a cold area.
  4. joker3762

    Which salt?

    My lfs also sells Instant Ocean. So I imagine if I were to go with a different one it would be Instant Ocean. I would definatly do some research or see if your lfs can special order a different kind
  5. joker3762

    liverock from LFS....

    Most likely you should be ok to put it right in, However you don't know what is in their water. I would definitly Cure it again. Better safe then sorry. Plus you dont know how long that particular piece has been in the water. If it arrived yesterday then it probably isnt cured.
  6. joker3762

    Which salt?

    I use HW Marinemix Professional,- its a little more expensive but seems to mix really well and be more accurate.
  7. joker3762

    What is the best Marine Aquarium Magazine???

    What is the best Marine Aquarium Mag??
  8. joker3762

    Cleaning of Display pieces

    I currently have a 100g tank, I is a fish only tank at the moment with decorative coral with some lr. My question is simple, What is the best way to clean the decorative pieces to bring them back to their original color and vibrance? I heard Bleach was what worked best. Thanks
  9. joker3762

    Attention all Typhoon RO/DI owners

    Who is AWI??? Never mind Air Water Ice.
  10. joker3762

    ich Questions, Inquiring minds want to know???

    What if I dont have a QT Tank which will house all of my fish?
  11. joker3762

    ich Questions, Inquiring minds want to know???

    I have purchased a refractometer from this website, 39.99. I am still waiting for it. What is to get my water to 1.008 in order to do hyposalinity? Will Ich actually kill the fish or is it just a nuisance? Will my fish fully recover if i use hyposalinity??? Do I need to remove starfish as...
  12. joker3762

    Choc. Chip Starfish Issue????

    It was wierd. I noticed he was burned, in the bottom of the middle over 2 arms. Where he was burned was white and showed no life but on the tips of the 2 arms he was pink/maroon, alive. As I monitored him I noticed he was actually trying to rip his own arms off, I woke one morning and he was...
  13. joker3762

    Choc. Chip Starfish Issue????

    Unfortunately my Choc Chip Died today
  14. joker3762

    Advice on RO units Please???

    I have a 95 wave tank, what should I be looking for when i purchase a RO unit? PROS and CONS of Certain units? Thanks :thinking: :hilarious :jumping: :hi
  15. joker3762

    Choc. Chip Starfish Issue????

    will it grow back if it its arm falls off
  16. joker3762

    Choc. Chip Starfish Issue????

    I had to treat my 95g wave. I removed the Starfish and put him in a QT tank- nothing large just a small 20 gal. I have an underwater heater attached to the side. I think the starfish attached himself to the heater and literally burned himself. Could this happen? I also noticed that part of...
  17. joker3762

    Serious Help Needed?????

    Malachite green and Formalin
  18. joker3762

    Serious Help Needed?????

    unfortunately too late on the med. It turned my tank all blue, I will discuss this with my lfs once i finish this cycle they actually only told me to remove snails, shrimp, starfish, the bottle said to remove the LR, I made an error in the earlier post. My tank is 95-gallon wave tank. I have...
  19. joker3762

    Serious Help Needed?????

    read above
  20. joker3762

    Serious Help Needed?????

    I recently purchased a new Tang (Dori). Everything seemed fine and then I notice some spots, I thought it was ich so i bought some medicine for the tank. my lfs told me to remove my shrimp, snails, starfish, and live rock. I just did this. However my emerald crabs were on my LR and I couldn't...