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  1. joker3762

    Coraline Algae or something else????

    I currently have a 95 gallon wave tank, fish only at the moment. I have seem to have an algae issue which i need help with. I think the algae I have may be coraline algae, or in doing research it may be Red Slime Algae. Howerver I am not sure which either looks like. The algae is very slimy...
  2. joker3762

    Anyone from the Chicago area

    Ditto- Scotts pets shop is definately the best. Excellent assistance if needed. It is located in westchester
  3. joker3762

    pairing up clowns?

    always buy in pairs, if you buy an odd number the clowns will outcast one of them. eventually picking on him and not allowing him to eat. causing him to die. i made this mistake so i know. My clowns were tank raised. the 4 i have left are doing great.
  4. joker3762

    Hiding Blue Tang???

    I have a blue tang which i introduced in my tank 3 days ago. I have noticed he likes to Hide. Is this typical of a Blue Tang?
  5. joker3762

    What Type of lighting should I use

    Yes it does look blue, If I get rid of the 18k bulb and put a 10k bulb in what would happen? also I am reading that these should be on at different times? I only have 1 timer and its all in one fixture. What are your thoughts?
  6. joker3762

    What Type of lighting should I use

    I have a 100 gallon tank with 2 starfish (1 Choc. Chip and 1 Sand Sifter) 4 clowns,1 flame angel, 1 blue tang. I also have 9 snails and about 8 crabs. I recently had 1 coralife 10000k bulb and 1 coralife 16000k bulb. I needed to change my lights as they were getting old. I could only find...
  7. joker3762

    need help... moving soon!!!

    how long is your move going to take?
  8. joker3762

    Lonely Clown Fish

    I have 5 clowns which have been together since day one. One of my clowns is smaller and gets picked on by the rest. I need to feed him sepreately. When feeding him I realized his fins are clear and not black tiped. Has anybody seen this? Is it a disease of some kind? The clown fish is...
  9. joker3762

    Snails are Dying

    Just starting to build it up. It is not cheep and i didn't want to spend alot to start. I was told to have aprox 100lbs when i am finished putting live rock in. Is that about accurate?
  10. joker3762

    Snails are Dying

    My Sg level is 1.024 to 1.026 so that should be fine
  11. joker3762

    Snails are Dying

    What is LFS? I am assuming Low filter system? I dont have that much live rock only 3 rocks totaling about 35 lbs
  12. joker3762

    Snails are Dying

    Thanks I will try to test my water And look into RO. Do you know how much a unit may cost if I want to do it from my faucet?
  13. joker3762

    Snails are Dying

    RO Water?
  14. joker3762

    Snails are Dying

    Originally Posted by Maingo Ever use anything copper based or there might be copper in your tap water? They cant take any amount in the water. can I do anything about the copper.?
  15. joker3762

    Snails are Dying

    if there is copper in my tapwater is there anything i can do about that?
  16. joker3762

    Snails are Dying

    I put 13 snails in my 100g tank about 4 months ago, I am down to 2. Any Advise or Ideas??