Search results

  1. jayster

    What do you name your fish?

    Those that are in the business of marketing fish and marine supplies have done studies that some of you may find interesting. Apparently in an effort to identify methods of marketing to men and women their studies have shown that generally, men tend to view fish keeping as a hobby (whether they...
  2. jayster

    Need diagnosis on tusk fish

    WOW!!! Thanks Beth. Those are Ideas I havent considered. I have no power heads in the tank. No protien skimmer in the sump. (I use a seaclone skimmer on my 30 gallon in my office) I dont mix salt. I buy "Catalina water" which I'm told is filtered sea water from the west coast. I asked today...
  3. jayster

    Need diagnosis on tusk fish

    Beth, I just thought of something else after reading some other threads. I have 4 inches of crushed coral that I usually do not disturb to much except when scrubing the glass near the bottom. Last water change I used a syphon to pick up the top layer of the exposed CC because it was looking kind...
  4. jayster

    Need diagnosis on tusk fish

    Thanks Beth for the reply. I dont know why the nitrates are so high other than the Dry tab I was using expired this past February. I will do a series of water changes to try and lower it. Right now I average 15-20 gallon changes once a month. I use catalina water exclusively rather than mixing...
  5. jayster

    Need diagnosis on tusk fish

    I could sure use some help on this one. The Tusk spends most of its time hiding for the past two weeks. Wont eat that I can see and he used to be the most agressive feeder. He also may be listing a little to one side when it does swim. No visible signs of disease, ick, lateral line, fin rot...
  6. jayster

    Any networks in PHX?

    Hey Mirdok, Thanks for the reply. I live right around the corner from aqua-touch. I agree with most of your comments and feel the staff at aquatouch is hands down the most knowledgable and straight forward with their advice. They have actually talked me out of a few expensive sales I was...
  7. jayster

    FS: CSL 2x32 PC Hood and Lamps for nano

  8. jayster

    Any networks in PHX?

    Just thought I would throw out a hello to see if anyone in phoenix (or AZ for that matter) pays attention to this board. I will be looking for LR, MH, fish and frags to buy sell or swap. (Since much of this stuff is best picked up in person.) Say hello even if you have nothing or need nothing...
  9. jayster

    fish for 29 gallon?

    All my inhabitants get along well . The gramma will spend alot of time in his cave and the firefish about half his time. Otherwise I only now worry about the green brittlestar. Lots of personality and fun to hand feed but now he is getting big. I have also verified that he has eaten two...
  10. jayster

    skimming phytoplankton

    Does anyone have info on whether my protein skimmer or activated charcoal removes the phytoplankton I try to feed my tank?
  11. jayster

    SUN CORAL. Someone pleeeeze offer up some experience, testimony, and advice!!!

    I asked my LFS guy the same thing about the sun coral. He also says you must feed each polyp on a daily basis.
  12. jayster

    Droopy sarcophyton

    I have two small leather corals in my tank that were added last august. Both are about 2 inches tall with crowns about one and two inches across respectively. Both seem to to have been doing well. At night they would retract their polyps but the one with the smaller crown would flop over on its...
  13. jayster

    Need ID please

    I only have 110 watts of pc and the sarcophytons look great with no sign of peeling. Can it be propogation . . . if you know what I mean? Also, My green brittlestar recently ate one of my gorgonians. It was a 2 1/2" stick!!! I wonder if the it gave the star some indigestion or something.
  14. jayster

    Need ID please

    Just today I noticed some milky stringies around my tank stuck to the LR. I cant tell what it is or where it is comming from but the majority seems to be stuck on and around the feather duster. Could this be a sign of stress from a coral? Should i Try to scoop it out?
  15. jayster

    Royal Gramma nest building

    Is this normal? he/she picks chunks of debris off the floor and disappears into her hole with them. Can she be pregnant? She's the only Gramma in tank since August. Also, she has some discoloration on the front purple half. Blotchy faded purple spots in no apparent pattern. Could it be disease...
  16. jayster

    question on cyano

    thanks for the reply you two. I picked up some chemi clean and my LFS said they would test the water for me. I hate buying test kits. They are so expensive. BTW I hit all the local LFS in phoenix and have learned that the local tap water is huge on phosphates. Also our location in the world has...
  17. jayster

    question on cyano

    Can cyanobacteria be red? I had red hair algae, got some snails and now the red is like a thin film on the cc and rocks with little gaseous bubbles in it. It blows off the rocks easily with a turkey baster. Clumps up and kind of floats to the surface. Should I use a chemical remedy?
  18. jayster

    add a flamehawk???

    The flame hawk is the coolest and does not mess with my coral banded shrimp. If you get a small flame Hawk (2-3 Inches) he should be fine, and fun to watch. He will occasionally swoop down on the other inhabitants but he doesn't do any damage when he gets there. Just a poser. I never heard of...
  19. jayster

    Lighting opinions

    In my limited experience, start with soft corals then try some stonies. After they are aclimated move them to the top of the tank, close to the light. If your water quality is good I bet you can pull it off. Check out they will give you advice over the phone and the soft frags I got...
  20. jayster

    need help with red hair algae

    I could use some advice on controlling the read hair algae. I dont have a photo but some of it looks like your basic green hair algae while on the glass and crushed coral it forms more of a blanket. It also holds gaseous bubbles which I presume is probably nitrous gas from converting the...