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  1. jayster

    What else can I feed my fish?

    I have a small flame Hawk and a small royal gramma. Right now they get a little frozen Mysis shrimp in the morning and a little chopped up freeze dried krill in the afternoon. What else can you guys and gals suggest to keep them happy and healthy?
  2. jayster

    flame hawkfish compatability

    The introduction seemed to go well. even the cbs is seen roaming about in the daylight. The gramma was inquisitive but no agressive behavior. The hawk is hanging out on the suction cups that hold the heater and the filter return to the glass. Definately perching. Im giving em both mysis and...
  3. jayster

    still looking at my feather duster

    rye- I went to your web site. Are all those fish and inverts yours? Great work either way.
  4. jayster

    still looking at my feather duster

    Rye - thats him. Sits like that too. Can I prop him up like a tree or will he try to move? I also like your photogs. Keep it up. Makes the site interesting. On the new hobbyist board you can play name that thing.:D
  5. jayster

    please give me the basics on lighting

    I think I should have better lighting. Not necessarily to support corals but for visual effect and to keep my fish/inverts/liverock happy in the 29gal dow. I may down the road add a shroom or other moderate lighting inhabitant happy. Do I need a blue and a white bulb? can I go with one of those...
  6. jayster

    still looking at my feather duster

    I couldn't get your photo to come up. In any event I moved him and he seems happier on the other side of the tank.
  7. jayster

    flame hawkfish compatability

    I am adding a small flame hawkfish to my 30 gal bow. Will my CBS and Royal Gramma survive? I heard the FH will eat shrimp and small fish. What else can I feed this fish to keep him happy and are there any other special requirements for this species? Thanks for any input.
  8. jayster

    My new feather duster

    yeah, I agree. If he doesn't like it he can just move himself!!!
  9. jayster

    names under other names. what do they mean?

    I just read sammystingray and it almost brought a tear to my eye. keep it up sammy
  10. jayster

    names under other names. what do they mean?

    ok you egomaniacs:D How do I add that signature line where I can tell everyone my tank set up at the end of my post?
  11. jayster

    still looking at my feather duster

    Good question. I know its not a Hawaiin duster because the lfs wanter 24 clams for that. Mine was on sale for 9.95 down from 14. Is there a "basic" tube worm duster? The feathers are banded light brown and off white, about 2 1/2" long. The tube is about 4" long. bluish grey. I have no other...
  12. jayster

    My new feather duster

    Right now he seems to be in a high water circulation area. His little feathers are moving around pretty good. Will he be happy here or should I move hime to a more placid area?
  13. jayster

    still looking at my feather duster

    Right now he seems to be in a high water circulation area. His little feathers are moving around pretty good. Will he be happy here or should I move hime to a more placid area?
  14. jayster

    feeding the featherduster

    I Just added a feather duster and picked up some photplankton as well. I stumbled on a realy cool way to feed him also. I have one of those long ribbed plastic straws that comes with the mega big-gulps. I pour the photplankton down the tube. As I top off the tupe with capfulls of tank water the...
  15. jayster

    Feeding the brittlestar

    I have only a 30 gal and I am lucky enough that the star has chosen a little see-thru cave as his home so I can see him all the time. Otherwise the tank is in my office so I only get to observe during the day. He only comes out when I dangle some krill in front of him but it is worth watching...
  16. jayster

    Dragon Wrasse

    I would like to add a dragon wrasse to my tank but am not sure if it will be compatable: 29galBow 20lbs LR 2- blue damsels 1-Gr. Brittle starfish 1-CBS 3" cc How big will this wrasse get? the one at the lfs is about 2 1/2" long. Can he hang? Later I want to ad a true perc and a mandarin Gobi and...
  17. jayster

    Feeding the brittlestar

    thank you all for the imput. I have a feeling I am overfeeding the tank. My CBS can probably also get all he needs by rummaging around the LR and any of the flake my damsels ignore. I figure 2-4 hand fed krill a week should be a good supplement for the Brittlestar. No more daily feedings just to...
  18. jayster

    Feeding the brittlestar

    how often and how much should I be feeding one green brittle star? about 5" radius. I have flake, spirulina wafers and freeze dried krill. I have rigged a feeding rod to hand feed the krill. Also in the tank I have 2 damsels and a coral banded shrimp and I want to keep the brittlestar from...
  19. jayster

    can I add a false or true percula clown?

    I think I have my heart set on a true perc. I like the black mixed in with the orange. Any way, as much as I like the damsels, I wonder if I can just return one and leave one in there .
  20. jayster

    can I add a false or true percula clown?

    Thanks you two. Both your advise seem sound. I have also been told that if I add two or three swimming fish at once the damsels will be more inclined to leave them alone. My research tells me, however, to go slow with such a small tank. three at once seems suicidal for someone.