Search results

  1. jayster

    can I add a false or true percula clown?

    28 gal bow magnum350 delux canister filter 20 lbs cured live rock cycled 1 month 3" argonite bed 2-1 1/2" yellow tail blue damsels 1- green brittle star The two damsels have already killed off two other small damsels. They are territorial but I will move the live rock around and maybe add more...
  2. jayster

    HELP! Never had salt before!

    Great thread people. One question from me, one of the last responses referring to tap water said that de-clorinating agents evaporate quickly. I wonder if I should worry. As it is I find myself replacing 1-2 gallons of phoenix tap water a week into my 28 gal due to general evap. When I do, I...
  3. jayster

    new tank

    Responding to quote: "Well the green brittle star can eat small fish. Not all buy some do. They grow very large as time go's on. The shrimp and crabs should be fine just keep an eye on your smaller fish. Just FYI for those reading when It comes to brittle star I recomend the Black Hawaiin...
  4. jayster

    new tank

    I would also appreciate additional response to cyberfin's inquiry. I too an a brand new sw fan. I started with a 28 gal bowfront, 20lbs live rock. 15lbs of gravel and canister filter. 100watt heater and a protien skimmer on the way. Three yellowtail blue damsels and a green brittle star so far...