Search results

  1. beth13eaw

    Stuff for sale

    Are these type of lights good for anemone's and corals? Would they be strong enough? I am still new to this and I have an pink tip haitian anemone that is looking pretty sad...I think he doesn't get enough light. Right now I have 2 Coralife florescents one is blue and the other I think is a...
  2. beth13eaw

    Another Ich (Kick ich/stop parasite) Question..for those who have used

    I tried kick ich and parasite stop and they take care of the problem for a little while but it always returns. These products just kill the active ich but the ich can go dormant for weeks and then when you stop using these products it will return. The only way that I have found successful is...
  3. beth13eaw

    Gave Puffer Tank Maracyn -Bad Reaction!

    :yes: I can totally sympathize with you. I have lost numerous fish, all to multiple outbreaks of ich. Right now my 55 gal has only inverts in it, all 8 of my fish have been removed to a 10 gal. Quarantine tank and are undergoing copper treatment. They will be in there for at least 6 weeks to...
  4. beth13eaw

    Brittle star question

    My brittlestar is a brownish color with tan stripes. Can't tell how big her disk is she is always hiding under her rock, can just see her legs sweeping for anything interesting to eat. I have been feeding her brine shrimp and bloodworms. I know this is not the best but I haven't gotten to the...
  5. beth13eaw

    Help....ICK TROUBLE

    I am using a product called "Copper Safe"....The other fish don't have the white spots anymore.....The Coral Bueaty's spots are smaller and more raised than the other fishes....looks like salt granules sprinkled on her.....Hers are staying the same.....Could it be something else?????? :help:
  6. beth13eaw

    Brittle star question

    AHHHHHH......... :scared: Now my sally lightfoot crabl is gone.....found her shell with a leg pulled off each side and her shell is hollow......HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?.....Found her under the rock that the brittle star is under. Either it's the brittle star or ALIENS are coming out at night and...
  7. beth13eaw

    Brittle star question

    :notsure: I have not seen mine try to attack fact I even drip acclimated the starfish and the shrimp in the same bucket and he didn't seem the least bit interested......I thought my shrimp had molted at first...since I saw some empty exoskeleton but I now realize 3 days later...
  8. beth13eaw

    In Need Of A 1/2hp Chiller!!!

    thanks but I can't afford that right now.....already dumped too much into tank this month....hubbie will kill me if I spend another $650....Thanks
  9. beth13eaw

    Help....ICK TROUBLE

    :notsure: I recently took all of my fish out of my reef tank and put them in a QT....I have been taking out and treating individual fish but more seem to keep coming down with ick. I plan to keep them out of the main tank for 4-6 weeks. I have them in a 10 gal QT with copper in the water to...
  10. beth13eaw

    Brittle star question

    I noticed that even though the fish have been in the QT for 3 days now with copper in the water, the coral bueaty still has saltlike white spots on her. How long does it take for the copper to kill the ick.....or could this be something else.....she doesn't seem sickly. I am getting so...
  11. beth13eaw

    Brittle star question

    How do you feed a brittlestar and what type of "meaty" food?
  12. beth13eaw

    Brittle star question

    he is a brownish color. I will raise the SG a little. Thanks. So, another question.......About ick, so I took all the fish out of the main tank and put them in the QT and added copper to the water yesterday. All fish are doing well. My coral beauty still has the white spots....little tiny...
  13. beth13eaw

    Brittle star question

    ammonia is 0, pH 8.2, I can raise the SG...What should I raise it to? I will look for better foods. :needhelp: I only had the cleaner 2 days, coral banded 1 day. They never appeared to be stressed. I drip acclimated them over 2 hours. I have been using this as my standard acclimation...
  14. beth13eaw

    Brittle star question

    Well, I just got the brittlestar a couple of days ago.....He is pretty big...disk is about an inch in diameter....legs are about 5 inches long each. I was moving some of the live rock around and I think I must have pinched his leg. I feel awful. I didn't think I had got him but then a couple...
  15. beth13eaw

    In Need Of A 1/2hp Chiller!!!

    I am interested in your chiller...How much are you asking?
  16. beth13eaw

    Brittle star question

    Where are the shrimp then......I cleaned the tank and moved some stuff around and couldn't find them anywhere?
  17. beth13eaw

    Brittle star question

    First do brittle stars eat shrimp? I have had a cleaner shrimp and a coral banded shrimp disappear....just legs and some exoskeleton left. The inhabitants of my tank are 2 urchins, 2 brittlestars, lots of snails, 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 coral beauty angel, 4 damsels, 1 royal gramma, 2 clowns, 1...