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  1. wetone

    Conn LFS ???

    This may be the place. I was there last week, you cant see in the windows because of shading, but you could tell there were tanks in there because of the condensation on the windows. There were huge display tanks for corals and probably 30-40 tanks for different types of fish and inverts. If no...
  2. wetone

    Conn LFS ???

    Coral Reef Imports in Milford seems to be closed. Anyone know what happened?? Did Alex go out of business or did he move? There is no move info on the door......
  3. wetone

    razor blade in tank !!!

    Thanks for all the replies and ideas. I had the same thoughts but was just looking for some other opinions. Again, a small piece broke off the corner, a triangle shape about 1/4" X 1/4", not sure how much "bad" stuff this small piece will leach in comparison to the volume of water in the system...
  4. wetone

    razor blade in tank !!!

    I was using a razor blade to clean up corraline algae on my glass when a small piece of razor blade (about 1/4" X 1/4") broke off and fell into the tank, behind the rocks. It could be anywhere, in a rock crevice, sand....but just not anywhere I can find it!! Is this gonna cause a problem,, I...
  5. wetone

    fuge overflow question ???

    will the polyfilter still block any pods from moving into the system??
  6. wetone

    fuge overflow question ???

    I have a refugium which flows via gravity back into my sump. I have a 1" piece of pvc flex pipe which handles the water. I have put a piece of stocking at the end of the pipe to catch any pieces of macro which may break loose and ultimately find their way into my display tank. Is this...
  7. wetone

    Green Hair - HELP!!

    I have had the same problem...I added a new RO/DI unit, a new skimmer that is rated for 4 times larger than my tank. I have been doing tons of water changes and rock scrubs. The algae has died off considerably but some spots continue to linger. I am having trouble keeping my CA up above 370. I...
  8. wetone

    Kalk mixing ?????

    I mix my Kent Kalk powder with RO/DI water in a 5 gal bucket. I have a bulkhead with a piece of pipe that draws the kalk water from about 2" off the bottom (so no gunk form the bottom gets in), it then goes to a float switch and tops off the sump from evaporation. Every 3-4 days the kalk mix is...
  9. wetone

    Just like christmas, CT meeting.

    Yeah...I'm in CT (Cheshire) too.....Where/when are these meetings
  10. wetone

    How often do y'all clean your skimmers?

    Just cleaned my Precision Marine Bullet 2 after about 8-10 weeks on service (first time, I just got it). It seems to be working better now. It always worked good before, but the gunk is now like mud and when I walk into the filter room it smells like something died (all my sumps/refugium...
  11. wetone

    PH probe calibration ???

  12. wetone

    PH probe calibration ???

    'I have a Pinpoint PH meter. It is probablt 5-6 years old. It was stored for about 3 years when I had tanks shut down. I have had it in service again for about 10 months. It is way out of whack, showing a PH of 8.5-8.9 while 2 different Salifert test kits show 8.3 My question is how do you...
  13. wetone

    PH high since adding fuge

    My PH looks like 8.3 with my Salifert kit, but my PH monitor is the one that moves from 8.3-8.6....I guess I should get some calibration fluid to confirm. But I'm still wondering if there is a big concern if it is high???
  14. wetone

    PH high since adding fuge

    DKH = 10.1 ALK = 3.71 SG = 10.23 CA = 375-400 (having trouble moving this up !!) NO3 = 0 PO4 = 0 (although still battling small algae problem, hopefully the fuge will be final step to eliminate this)
  15. wetone

    PH high since adding fuge

    My PH was always at a stable 8.2. Two weeks ago I added a refugium and the caulerpa is growing great. I have the fuge lights on for 12 hrs opposit the main tank. The PH is around 8.36 during the end of the main tank lighting period. The tank is at 8.58 this morning about 10 hrs after main lights...
  16. wetone

    Will Low PH Contribute to Algae Growth

    I'm still in same boat....I have added a new RO/DI, a new precision marine bullet 2 skimmer (rated for 250G on my 75G). I have done over 100G of water changes in last 2 months, since getting new RO/DI. I scrubbed the rocks, my MH and VHO bulbs are less than 6 months old. My test kits (Salifert)...
  17. wetone

    jealious wife!

    Heres a valuable tip..... When trtaveling for business for a few days and you leave the wife home with the 3 kids....The first thing you ask when calling home should NOT be "how does the tank look" You gotta mix in a few "how was your day" and "what are the kids doing" before going right to the...
  18. wetone

    help with refugium

    I started growing caulerpa in 30G rubbermaid that is connected to another 30G rubbermaid (sump) via a power head and gravity feed back down to sump about 2 weeks ago. there is 5" of LS in the refugium with about 40 lbs of LR. The caulerpa has attached to the LR nicely and has doubled in...
  19. wetone

    cant get it up....

    Because of the algae outbreak, I have added the refugium in the last 2 weeks as well as doing "lots" of water changes in the past 60 days since I got my new RO/DI. I'm not sure why, as my NO3 and PO3 do not read anything on my test kits but the nuisance algae is still there...(I know, I know...
  20. wetone

    cant get it up....
