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  1. kik28

    stocking 75 g

    i was thinking to place niger trigger and picasso one in my 75 g fish tank ,, will it work??? somebody told me to try bursa , coz they dont get that big, but arnt they too aggressive??
  2. kik28

    about my triggers

    so which one do u think is more aggressive , huma or bursa????
  3. kik28

    about my triggers

    well dragon..i will do the same thing..when the triggers get big i'll exchange them....i really dont see what kinda fish i can get...there s nothing like a trigger... watchin it swim , play , feed and interract,,, i dont know...i wish i had bigger than 75 g...
  4. kik28

    about my triggers

    no way dragon im not takin them back... i may get rid of them when they get bigger.. i am thinkin to get only one trigger { picasso} and some other fish..not sure what ,, any suggestions???
  5. kik28

    about my triggers

    so i decided to get huma huma and a niger triggers for my 75 g tank. risky i know but i like them,, what can i do!!!!! anyway.. i was wondering if u can tell me what cleaner i can get for them,, like cleaner clam and some big snails and crabs,, i would...
  6. kik28


    hi i am finally done setting up my 75 G fish tank, and i was wondering if i can house niger and picasso in there , or may be picasso and a jewel damsel , but preffer triggers.. anyway i just was not sure 75 would be big enough for them,,, any ideas???