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  1. duce

    Mean Damselfish.

    I have a huge humbug damsel fish in my reef tank that measures almost 3 - 3.5 inches across. He is by far the meanest fish I've ever owned. He has definitely established his territory as he has thrown sand around until the place looks like he wants it. He has already demolished a smaller...
  2. duce


    Are lionfish reef safe? I've only seen them kept in fish only tanks but perhaps just by coincidence. I would appreciate any input. Thanx, Duce
  3. duce

    A humbug of a damsel.

    Over the last few days I purchased a slightly large humbug damselfish. He measures about 2-3 inches in diameter and he has been a nice addition to my tank. Lately, though, he has been digging up sand and throwing everywhere. This has happened in three sections of my tank, he digs underneath the...
  4. duce

    Problem with the Goniopora?

    This morning I turned on my lights and my goniopora flowerpot was barely out. I didn't expect him to be since the lights had been out all night but when I looked at him I noticed the current wasn't on him. So I adjusted my powerhead and put the current on him so that it would open up. After...
  5. duce

    Inverts in danger?

    Recently my long tentacled anemone died and I didn't take him out due to the fact that I couldn't find him. But this morning I woke up and saw that my water was cloudy, I looked all around and saw his dead carcass and I figured that's what made the water cloudy. Will his remains do any harm to...
  6. duce

    Tubastrea Sun.

    Is the tubastrea sun a difficult species to keep? I read the section about them on this website but never found if it was difficult or not. I have done some research but would like your opinion. Thanx, Duce
  7. duce

    Weird stuff with my anemone.

    I'm not sure what kind of anemone I have [had], the tag where I bought it just said "Long-tentacled anemone". Anyways, he was the host of my maroon clownfish and recently something real weird has happened to him and caused his death. At first, one large bubble came out of his mouth as though he...
  8. duce

    Tank Problems.

    If you have forgotten I have a 30 gallon reef tank which contains[ed] about 25 lbs of live rock, yellow polyps, brown polyps, mushroom polyps, star polyps, open brain coral, and a goniopora flowerpot. I also had a yellow tang, maroon clown, humbug damsel, coral beauty, and a mandarin. My tank...
  9. duce


    Is a bi-color angelfish safe for the reef tank? If so, will he be compatible with an Atlantic pigmy angelfish? Thanx a lot. [This message has been edited by Duce (edited 05-22-2000).]
  10. duce

    Anemone problems.

    Are anemones supposed to shrivel up for a while or is mine just weird? Do they usually do this because of feeding or water quality? Someone help me please. Thanx
  11. duce

    Amazing Damsel?

    Yes, three stripe, a.k.a., humbug. Also, for some reason, he will only swim among the anemone at night.
  12. duce

    Amazing Damsel?

    I recently purchased a maroon clownfish and an anemone for my reef tank. I'm not sure of the scientific name of the anemone but he and the clownfish are definitely compatible. Anyways, last night I woke up in the middle of the night and had the urge to turn on my aquarium lights so I could see...
  13. duce

    Suggestions on corals!

    I am an 18 year old hobbyist and have been for about 4 years, off and on. I recently have a 30 gallon reef tank with an open brain coral, brown polyps, yellow polyps, mushroom polyps, and a staghorn along with about 15 lbs. of live rock. My question is: When I first started my aquarium I bought...