Search results

  1. aw2

    I have returned!!!

    Hello, boys and girls! Can't believe that I had forgotten about my old stomping grounds. Bought a new 75gal and stand, today, after getting the saltwater bug again and you guys popped into my head. How has everyone been???
  2. aw2

    The $799 Hawaiian Dragon Thread???

    Why was it closed?...and more importantly, why is every bit of info in the description completely, 100% incorrect??!?!
  3. aw2


    Originally Posted by HaLo_Frk03 where is sthis store located??? whats it called It's not anywhere near Chicago or the burbs and...I dont think they have a name for it yet.
  4. aw2


    I was not opening the store, personally...I was involved in the setup, etc. I no longer have anything to do with that store. I finally called it quits after the owner would buy the most expensive equipment, etc. that he could find. He didnt bargain shop at all and it didnt matter what it was or...
  5. aw2

    Aquarium for sale

    $4000, into a 20gal. tank... The sand better have diamonds scattered around in it and the live rock better be gold plated.
  6. aw2

    Full setup for sale in Illinois

    How old is everything?
  7. aw2

    Classifieds Seller's Feedback

    Hate to do this but unleashed is on the list, tonight. Last winter, I "gave away" a Tenecor 300gal. tank, for a 90gal. setup from her. I traded the 300gal. tank (yeah, it was really dirty but was EASILY cleaned up) for a 90gal, stand, canopy and VHO lights. Her and her husband drove down to pick...
  8. aw2

    alot of money,what to do?

    First off...sorry to hear about grandpa. The first thing you need to do is take HALF and put it college funds, stocks/bonds, a high yield savings account. If you keep it all handy, you'll spend it before you know it. By putting away half (you're still gonna be left with aprox...
  9. aw2


    Originally Posted by Drewsta mmm ouch... I am hard headed sorry . So i'm not going with a ray. Thanks. I'm sorry if I offended anyone I was just asking questions. I'm not gonna do it. Thanks for the input all Not offended at all. The one thing I enjoy almost more than the hobby itself, is...
  10. aw2

    My new addition

    Originally Posted by seannmelly Awesome fish!!! I love their colors. Do you know how it would be in a reef tank w/ 3 yellow tangs?? I've been wanting to get one, but have just been concentrating on corals. Beautiful fish!! I've never owned one before, but I've read that they'll do fine...
  11. aw2

    My new addition

    I've been searching for an Orange Shoulder Tang (one of my fav. fish) for quite a long time and have never been able to find out, except for online. I stopped into one of the crappy, local fish stores today and what do I find?...a little 3" juvie Orange Shoulder...for $21!!! He had a few spots...
  12. aw2

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    First off, congrats on the new baby! Give your wife the best, for me...and say hi to that crazy dog of yours. Hopefully, he'll keep chewing on his socks and not on the babys feet. The minute you decide to sell anything, from that tank, you'd better keep me in mind. Without even having to think...
  13. aw2

    Planning a 300g tank...suggestions?

    I've personally seen RobChuck's tank and if there ever was a tank to aspire towards, it's DEFINATELY his! It's probably the best looking tank I've ever seen, in person and his fish are some of the healthiest I've seen...including that dinner plate sized Sailfin Tang.
  14. aw2

    coralife skimmer 220, interest?

    I am also interested. I already have the 220, but it never hurts to have another.
  15. aw2

    Live Rock For Sale

    If you become interested in shipping the fish, let me know.
  16. aw2


    I dont think myself, or Sinner's Girl were being mean, Bobby... Just kinda annoying to see... "if you guys say no, I'll take your word for it" 27 times, in 6 posts...even though everyone has said no, repeatedly.
  17. aw2

    ocean collecting

    As Granny, and other, have said...a QT is a very good idea. And Granny...werent you worried about runoff pollutants in the sand that you collected? You couldnt pay me enough to put shoreline sand or rock in any of my tanks.
  18. aw2


    Originally Posted by Drewsta I just want the guy to have enough space to be happy if you say no way for a 75G that is 4ft long i will take your word for it. Originally Posted by Drewsta If you say no i'll take your word for it (even though my girlfriend is going to be pissed :help: ) 1...
  19. aw2

    ocean collecting

    As far as I'm aware, FL does not have restrictions on collecting fish/snails/hermits, etc. as long as they're not for commercial purposes, as was already said. They do not allow you to collect live rock, however. I was just in FL a month ago and collected close to 400 Nassarius Snails, along...
  20. aw2


    Originally Posted by fedukeford they might have had a few ?s that they needed to send links with, which arnt allowed here That's what I was thinking. Since we dont have a system to PM, here at SWF and are not allowed to post links, it's necessary for us to sometimes give out email directly...