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  1. Vurtox

    Help getting started

    I'll keep you all posted when I get my tank. It might be a while but I'm very excited!
  2. Vurtox

    Help getting started

    Thanks everyone for your input! I don't know what macros are, I don't even want to think about anything else other than the equipment right now. As far as lighting, water, what would you all recommend for this tank?
  3. Vurtox

    Help getting started

    Oh I almost forgot! Sorry about the posts but what type of lighting would you recommend for 36" height and 48" length 18" width? I know there are different kelvin don't know if higher is better. Thanks in advance everyone!
  4. Vurtox

    Help getting started

    The 135 gallon I want to get is pretty much perfect for where it's going. I have to keep it out of direct sunlight right? Also, would you recommend glass over acrylic?
  5. Vurtox

    Help getting started

    Thank you! First, I'd like to start it out as a reef tank for a few months to let everything cycle then get the desired fish. Right now I am having trouble finding the proper protein skimmer for 135 gallon. What is the recommended gallons per hour for this? I just want to focus on getting all of...
  6. Vurtox

    Help getting started

    Hi I'm new here, I just wanted to know what protein skimmer I should get for a 135 gallon tank (36" x 48" x 18") and also what other equipment I should get. I'm just starting out and I'm willing to spend about $5,000. There are no saltwater stores around my town so I'll have to order everything...