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  1. bb1clownfish

    How do you lower Phosphate?

    Is the Seachem phosphate tester okay? It was highly recommended and it's only for phosphate.
  2. bb1clownfish

    How do you lower Phosphate?

    I checked my phosphate and it was 0. My nitrate is 10. Ammonia is 0. Nitrite 0, Calcium >400. I do have a protien skimmer and a UV sterilizer. My lights are on for 10 hours at 400 watts. The dusting of green algae grows back onto the glass after cleaning in 2-3 hours. Can you guys think of...
  3. bb1clownfish

    How do you lower Phosphate?

    Thanks, I'll try the sponge. Could it possibly be the filters on my RO system?
  4. bb1clownfish

    How do you lower Phosphate?

    I'm sorry, I don't know what leathers are. That might mean that I don't have them I guess. ?? I am using RO water.
  5. bb1clownfish

    How do you lower Phosphate?

    My phosphate levels are too high. How can I lower them?
  6. bb1clownfish

    Problems with algae

    I do have a reef pack to help eat the algae. ~ 40 hermit crabs, 20 snails, five emerald crabs and a coral banded shrimp. I don't have the equiptment to check the phosphate level. That very well could be my problem. I will let you know once I get something to find out the phosphate levels...
  7. bb1clownfish

    Problems with algae

    Oops, it's 400 watts. Type-o. I leave them on from 1100am to 900pm.
  8. bb1clownfish

    Problems with algae

    I use T-5 800 watt lights, the tank is in the basement and has a small window (not much light) above it and I use RO water
  9. bb1clownfish

    Problems with algae

    There is algae growing out of control in my 55 gallon tank. There is green film on the top of the water and on the sides that returns soon after I clean it. I checked my water levels and they are fine except the nitrate is elevated to ~20. Could that be the problem. If not, I need to know...