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  1. slouiscar


    Quote: Originally Posted by PEZenfuego I don't know how that relates to my last post, but I'll roll with the changes. Science isn't done. Oh no, far from it. At one point we didn't know solar system wasn't geocentric, does that mean that science couldn't explain it? Maybe one day we will find...
  2. slouiscar


    Quote: Originally Posted by GeriDoc Darwin was actually well trained in theology, and was a devout Christian. He was very concerned that others would see, in his theory, an argument against the existence of God. Today the line in the sand is primarily drawn by religious conservatives who...
  3. slouiscar


    Quote: Originally Posted by GeriDoc One idea of Darwin's (if you can call it that) that has been revised by subsequent is the role of mutation. Darwin never proposed genetic mutation as the driver behind evolutionary change. Genetics was a pretty much unknown field, and the very concept of a...
  4. slouiscar


    Quote: Originally Posted by GeriDoc By the way, you have simplified Darwin's work to the point that it (your objection) is meaningless, and you have ignored 150 years of follow-up science that has failed to discredit Darwin in any major way, and with each scientific breakthrough has only...
  5. slouiscar


    Quote: Originally Posted by GeriDoc I think it is important that we speak the same language. It would help me if you could precisely define what you mean by "macroevolution", and how specifically it is different from "microevolution". Be aware that I will hold you to those definitions when I...
  6. slouiscar

    29g upgrade/conversion journal

    Picked up the food last night. Both clowns hit the cyclop-eeze like it was candy. Saw the bangaii eat some. Tonight I did a little mix of the ova and the cyclop and I think the hunger strike is over. Seems like the ova got the bangaii out.
  7. slouiscar


    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Micro or Macro Evolution is fact? If you state both, please show me the science, as I know only one has been proven. Darwin cited evidence for “micro-evolution.” The discovery of 14 different finches on the Galapagos, derived from a common ancestor, was...
  8. slouiscar


    Evolution is a fact, intelligent design is faith, as evidence is not likely to exist or be discovered to prove it as fact. That does not imply that the two are mutually exclusive. The notion that one disproves the other is an ideological false choice. One can look at available evidence and...
  9. slouiscar

    29g upgrade/conversion journal

    Coming up on four days following acclimation and the two clown additions seem to be doing pretty well, but the bangaii is on a hunger strike. Feeding mysis. Going back to the LFS to pick up cyclop-eeze and ova? LFS said that was what they were feeding previously and perhaps the mysis is too...
  10. slouiscar

    29g upgrade/conversion journal

    before pic... hated that eclipse setup. was worried that the stand would go at any moment. new setup no more micro bubbles...
  11. slouiscar

    29g upgrade/conversion journal

    Well, finally set up a photobucket account, so I'll get to those pics in a sec. Got a new API marine & reef test kit. #'s looked OK. Need to get accustomed to the color matches for results. 79 deg sg 1.0255 ph 8.0 amm 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 0 -10 calcium 540 KH 143.2 / 8 phos 0-0.25 Had a tough...
  12. slouiscar


    I always found it interesting that throughout history viewpoints that conflict with accepted theories are met with such passionate opposition from the scientific community. I am not referring to outlandish claims or conspiracy theories, but plausible thought out hypothesis... say, mans role or...
  13. slouiscar

    29g upgrade/conversion journal

    successful move. Yesterday we emptied the tank, moved to the new stand/location, cleaned up the LR, water change, and put it all back together. After a shy hide stretch the Clarkii is seemingly pleased and back to swimming all over. Generally pleased with the new equipment. The koralia...
  14. slouiscar

    29g upgrade/conversion journal

    I have an existing 29g fowlr setup that has been running for 6-years. 2-3 inch sand bed, 25lbs live rock, 2 maxi jet 600 PH's, an eclipse hood w/ carbon & bio-wheel. Top off w/ store bought RO water. sg- 1.026 temp- 78 ph - 8.4 amm.- 0 nitrites- 0 nitrates- 5 The only inhabitant has been a...
  15. slouiscar

    LMB help

    I acclimated a LMB about a week and a half ago. 3 hour drip and water quadrupled in clean bucket. No lights or powerheads for 3 hours. He seemed to do well. Swimming around tank and rockwork, pecking the algae on the glass and rocks. About two days ago I noticed he seemed somber? hanging...
  16. slouiscar

    24" or 30" lights

    No hood. just glass.
  17. slouiscar

    24" or 30" lights

    I have a 29g that is 30" long... Should I purchase the 24" or 30" lights? Will the 24" fit with legs? Has anyone had an expirience with this that would say 'definitely go with the ___"? Does it matter? The only reason I ask is I can by the 24's local and I would have to order the 30's... All...
  18. slouiscar

    acclimating snail Q

    Do you drip acclimate snails? Or float and drop? Nassarius specifically... thanks
  19. slouiscar

    LM blennie eating help

    I have spirolina and a LMB on a hunger strike in the QT. How do you soak your spirolina in garlic? Is it as obvious as it sounds?
  20. slouiscar

    How long in QT? Help!

    Ok, he stays in QT for another week and a half. I got some algae sheets this morning. I cut a piece and have it on a magnet in the QT. Hopefully he will eat soon!